And not as scary as it looks, white smoke should not be a matter of concern. The accumulated condensation is simply finding a way out of the pipe. It appears they did not address the issue with the white smoke from the exhaust.

It’s intermittent and seems to be most obvious when taking off from a stop, or reversing into a space – so when the engine is under load. Condensation can turn to vapor, providing what looks like white exhaust. But excessive white smoke likely means coolant is leaking into the engine combustion chambers.
I concur with the head gasket, having had one blow before. Toyota car sputters and blows white smoke. Car Forums, Automotive News and. IMO best to start with draining the fuel filter via the water tap at the bottom to see what comes out. If smoke is being release then this is indicative of a problem.
White Smoke from exhaust - CarForum. HOWTO looks at all the possible reasons why white smoke is coming from your exhaust pipe. I notice the other day after looking in the rearview mirror that there was a plume of white smoke coming from my exhaust.
The hydraulic oil that keeps the pressure in your brake system smokes a lot when it comes into contact with something hot (such as your exhaust system or the hot brake discs). Blue smoke out tailpipe but INTERMITTENT I noticed that the smoke got thicker as I removed my foot off the gas.