English dictionary definition of motorway. Chiefly British An expressway. Brit a main road for fast-moving traffic, having limited access, separate carriageways for vehicles travelling in. The Fast Lane , which occupied the lowest level, was restricted to cars with three or more occupants.

Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. It allows you to reach your destination at a high speed. A motorway has usually two lanes per side of the road and has tollgates as motorways charge toll. Also, the traffic in a motorway is uninterrupted without traffic signals.
In vintage Archer fashion, there is a twist at the en. This is a novel of suspense. A woman is late leaving London, stops on the motorway ( freeway in the US) to remove a dead cat before continuing.

She realizes that a black SUV is following her. The Mmotorway is only miles long so you’d think there’d be no need to find somewhere to stop near the motorway. However, it can get busy during the school holidays and the mad dash to Dover. A spur motorway from Baillieston Interchange to Swinton Interchange in Scotland and is the shortest motorway at 0. Glasgow: A38(M) A spur from the Mat the Gravelly Hill Interchange (Spaghetti Junction) to central Birmingham , also known as the Aston Expressway.
To see this footage sped up times, and set to fairly upbeat music.