The XPOptical Smoke detector uses an internal pulsing infrared LED and a photo-diode at an obtuse angle. In clear air conditions the photo-diode in the XPdetector receives no light from the LED and produces a corresponding analogue signal. Uses a low activity radioactive foil to detect fires by irradiating the air in the smoke chambers causing a current flow. Works using the light scatter principle. Responds well to slow-burning, smouldering fires.

Well-suited for bedrooms and escape routes. Red LED illuminates when the detector is in alarm. Certified to EN54-by the LPCB. The XP95-P photoelectric sensor constantly monitors its sensing chamber and its internal electronics. The are then reported along with the unit’s address through the integral communications electronics located in the sensor head.
The XPphotoelectric sensor uses a patented smoke chamber and infrared smoke sensing design. The company reserves the right to change specifications of products at any time without prior notice. Contractor Friendly - The duct detectors feature time and money saving features such as single latch cover entry, no tools locking sampling tubes, test ports for smoke testing with the cover in place, and terminals dedicated for the different trades. XPDuct Smoke Detectors digitally transmit their address and the chamber’s anal og value to the FACP for analysis.

To perform air sampling, use the two tubes which extend into the duct. An exhaust tube of one standard length 7. The most widely used single-sensor detector is the optical smoke detector. Ampac offers two ranges of analogue addressable systems Discovery and XP95. The XPrange of analogue addressable fire detectors uses tried and trusted technology to give the best performance, and has unique features that benefit the installer and the end user.
It is suitable for medium-to-large applications with simple installation requirements. Well suited for bedrooms and escape routes. Unaffected by the wind or atmospheric pressure. XPIntrinsically Safe (IS) detectors are a development of the well-established intelligent XPrange of detectors.

They feature all the benefits of the standard range, but are developed specifically for use in hazardous areas. Device address configuration is handled by the patented XPERT card that is provided as standard with each base. Free Shipping Available.
The signal increases when smoke enters the chamber and light is scattered onto the photo-diode. XPionisation smoke detectors are designed to operate in a wide variety of environments (See Figs to 7). There are only small effects from temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and wind. Detectors are well protected against electromagnetic interference over a wide frequency range. The XPmultisensor detector contains an optical smoke sensor and a thermistor temperature sensor whose outputs are combined to give the final analogue value.
The sensitivity of the detector is concidered. GAMEWELL FCI XP-P SMOKE DETECTOR. If you are outside of the United States and it is your first time with us, please contact us before making your payment. The Gamewell-FCI XP-P analog addressable photoelectric sensor operates with the Gamewell-FCI, 6Series and ILI95-ESeries Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs).
Optical Smoke Detector Operating Principles: The XPoptical detector uses the same outer case as the ionisation smoke detector and is distinguished by the indicator LED which is clear in standby and red in alarm. Fire Protection Shop specialise in the supply of quality fire extinguishers and other fire safety products to homes and businesses alike. Our products include a variety of different extinguisher types such as water fire extinguishers and our carbon dioxide fire extinguisher range.
Apollo XPAddressable Detectors And Bases.
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