Monday, April 27, 2015

Caught doing over 100mph on motorway

Caught doing over 100mph on motorway

I have been caught speeding at more than 1mph on the motorway. Although the Police attempt to resolve most offences by way of a Fixed Penalty Notice, at excessive speeds, a Court appearance is inevitable. The default position of courts is to disqualify drivers caught speeding at more than 100mph or at 30mph above the relevant speed limit. At the court’s discretion, this punishment can be reduced if you can prove losing your licence would result in ‘exceptional hardship’. Court heard that when stopped by police the 35-year-old stated that he had “other stuff” going on in his head.

Caught doing over 100mph on motorway

Caught at 100mph on m25. As others have sai seek legal advice. I was caught at 106mph in Scotland on a Motorway. Stopped for doing 95mph on the motorway. Over 100mph - compulsory ban?

I got pulled over by an unmarked Xon the Mspeeding. Issued with a traffic offense report. Friend possibly caught going in excess of 100mph. The best advice is to not speed full stop. Our free Speeding Penalty Calculator will determine the potential fine, penalty points, if you face a driving ban and the options available to the Police, to include a speed awareness course, Fixed Penalty or Court proceedings.

Read MoreCan you avoid a ban driving at over 1mph ? Ten years ago, a senior Manchester police officer clocked doing 104mph on the Mtoll road successfully argued his. They were one of motorists. On a motorway in light traffic conditions 100mph is not unsafe and the safety and design of most modern cars enhance that. Perhaps their own driving ability is poor and they lack confidence, so we all must drive accordingly! Granted I did mph to overtake some idiots and get into clear traffic.

If OP was going way over 1mph , then yes. There is choice to enter a guilty plea however I still have to attend court. I have no points on my license and I will enter a guilty plea. Is there any benefit on sending a letter with a early guilty plea and what do you think I will get, points or ban please.

Caught doing over 100mph on motorway

MPH on a motorway - likely outcome ? Higher fuel consumption and shorter journey times. Not me, as it happens, but one of my sons. The driver was travelling at speeds up to 111mph on.

The court will take the high spee exceeding 1to warrant a ban however, with representation it could be possible to negotiate - penalty points instead. Nephew was stopped by the police for speeding on the motorway. He is disabled and depends on his car to get to work.

Caught doing over 100mph on motorway

He was clocked at 106mph. I told him that it is normally a ban or a very stiff fine if caught doing over 100mph on the motorway. What has he to look forward to? The officer clocked me doing 102.

I immediately apologised and owned up, showing remorse. This was included included in the report. As it was over mph , it will be referred to a magistrates. He said that as I have a clean licence with no previous offences it is unlikely I.

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