This is one of our favorite gardens among all the botanical gardens on Oahu. I have a few local friends, born and raised here in Hawaii and they have never heard of it before. Koko Head Botanical Gardens , aka a blooming volcanic crater is a fun little hike for all ages. Koko Crater Botanic Garden is a 3. Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii that features beautiful wild flowers and is good for all skill levels.

The trail offers a number of activity options and is accessible year-round. The Kokohead Botanical Gardens is a slice of paradise nestled inside an extinct volcanic crater on Oahu. This is an amazing spot to experience rare beauty in one location. Nestled in the basin of an ancient volcanic crater, the huge garden is a desert-like oasis that is home to a plethora of plants and over 2types of trees hailing from Africa, the Americas, Madagascar, and Hawaii. Koko Head demonstrates the diverse eco system that can be found in Hawaii.
You will find desert cacti and dry land plants growing here as will as species from Africa. Plant collections occupy sixty acres of the inner slopes and basin of this 200-acre crater. The park is open daily from sunrise to sunset except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Admission is free but there are no facilities. Reviews The Plumeria garden alone is worth it. It was given the dual title of the Charles M. The hot, dry climate inside the crater is ideal for Plumeria, Bougainvillea and 2different species of trees from around the world.
Stay on this road until it turns into a dirt parking area. TripAdvisor among 3attractions in Honolulu. Wedding your love in this lush and rare environment is fun for all involved. As you walk through the garden , stick to the trail on the left. It consists of a looping main trail (with a few side trails) highlighting not only Hawaiian flora, but others as well (e.g.
Africa and Madagascar). The trail is a bit over a mile in length, with some uneven surfaces and mild ups and downs. Lining the wide pebble-strewn dirt road is flora that flourishes in the hot, dry climate. The garden is labeled with sections. Bougainvilleas thrive in burgeoning mounds of purple and hot pink on the hillside as you approach the Pacific section.
Love Hawaii’s beautiful gardens? These botanical gardens are a must-visit. Finding the trails can be difficult because they are often overgrown and unmaintained. Koko crater is not for.

Diamond Head State Monument;. This is not a lush tropical garden but a dryland garden filled with a wide variety of flowering plumeria trees, bougainvillea, cactus and Hawaiian flora and fauna. There are Africa, Americas, Hawaii and Madagascar sections and each of them are gorgeous. About Us Our Gardens Events Tours Photos. KOKO CRATER BOTANICAL GARDEN Kealahou St.
Friends of Honolulu Botanical Garden - all rights. The crater contains a 60-acre (24-hectare) botanical garden. The cape’s eastern section constitutes Koko Head Regional Park.
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