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Types of exhaust smoke and what it means for your car’s engine White Smoke. Thick white smoke can be caused by the engine burning coolant. If you see black smoke that means that your engine is burning too much fuel. Blue smoke is an indication that the car is burning.
The Different Types of Exhaust Smoke and Their Meanings. Automakers cleaned up their act and made sure that vehicles did not spew out this horrible stuff. In most cases, the smoke coming from your vehicle will not be pitch black but instead a dark or dirty gray color.

This occurs when unburnt fuel blows out of the combustion chamber and mixes with the normal gasses found in the exhaust. Black smoke is also referred to sometimes as gray smoke or dirty smoke. It’s probably not smoke, but steam.
And this can potentially be nothing to worry about, or you could be a mile or two away from an engine replacement. You may notice that from a cold start, plumes of white smoke will emanate from the exhaust tips. He was eager to know what could be the cause of white smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe because he observed regular maintenance of the car.
A turbocharged car will also send out blue smoke whenever the blower has to be replaced. What Does the Color Of Your Car’s Exhaust Mean. Before you think about a do-it-yourself project that includes your car’s exhaust system, you need to think twice.
The exhaust system alone sends out toxic emissions, including carbon monoxide. Paying rapt attention to the type of smoke that emits from exhaust in your car helps in extending its lifespan. This is telling you of possible condition of rich fuel. The reasons for such are: Rich fuel condition could occur when the fuel injector is dripping or leaking.
In a petrol car, black smoke is a sign that too much fuel is being burnt. Ranging from blue, grey, white and blue, every type directly or indirectly is because of a distinct phenomenon. One cause of white smoke from the exhaust might be the engine leaking coolant. If the engine leaks coolant, it will be burned by the heat of the engine and then come out as smoke from the exhaust. A problem with antifreeze might also be causing white smoke to come from the exhaust.
Antifreeze is used to stop your car from seizing up in cold weather. Blue Smoke : Blue engine smoke is the rarest type of smoke emanating from a diesel engine. The presence of blue smoke is an indication of burning oil. The oil thins out when it is cold and some could escape into the cylinder and be burnt.

In this oneHOWTO article, we will talk about what does black smoke from exhaust mean. Smoke from your exhaust can be white, blue, black or gray. Remove and inspect the spark plugs if you see gray or blue exhaust smoke. A shiny, wet, black film on the plugs is a result of excess oil, and this causes blue smoke. White smoke can be a big problem or not, depending on the thickness.
Each engine has pistons which are move up and down a cylinder. Each piston has metal rings round its side like bracelets. The function of these rings is to help the piston forming a tight seal against the cylinder.
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