Fully Customizable Ducts. Use Your Color, Pattern and Even Your Logo. How To Buy DuctSox Products. How much should smoke detectors cost? One unit can accommodate multiple installation footprints to overcome mounting constraints.

Tool-free, plug-in sampling tubes speed and simplify installation. Village Drive, Suite 100. United States of America. In multi-story buildings at each story with a commonly shared return and having a capacity greater than 10CFM’s. Duct Smoke Detectors are a key component of Fire Detection and Fire Alarm systems.
Like,subscribe or comment below. The detector shall be listed for the air velocity, temperature and humidity anticipated at the point where it is installed. Save Up to - Authorized Distributor - Expert Advice - Free Shipping! We Have Almost Everything on eBay. These devices are designed for prevention of smoke recirculation in areas by the air handling systems.

Fans, blowers and complete systems may be shut down in the event of smoke detection. NEMA 4-rated System Sensor watertight duct smoke detectors operate in the most challenging conditions without costly and bulky enclosures. This includes where multiple air handling systems utilize common ducts with a combined design capacity greater than 0cfm. I also wrote and article on hvac school about this same topic linked. Duct smoke detectors can only detect smoke when smoke laden air is circulating in the ductwork.
Fans may not be running at all times, such as during cyclical operation or during temporary power failure. The International Mechanical Code section, 606. Check Out Top Brands On eBay. The duct smoke detector samples air for early detection of smoke and products of combustion present in air moving through HVAC ducts.
A duct smoke detector is a device or group of devices used to detect the presence of smoke in the airstream of ductwork sections of the HVAC air handling systems typically used in commercial buildings. Photoelectric Smoke Detection Principle An air duct smoke detector is a regular photoelectric smoke detector , only set up to monitor the air in a plenum, or air duct. The way most photoelectric smoke detectors work is based on reflectivity.
A Light Emitting Diode (LED) shines light into a black chamber so its light will be absorbed by the inside black walls. What does make a duct detector detect? If one uses a duct smoke detector , it only needs to shutdown the air handler unit it is connected to.

Also, NFPA only requires that the activation of the duct smoke detector to transmit a supervisory signal - it does not need to activate audible or visual alarm notification devices. While local code adoption varies, duct smoke detectors are most common for facilities with 5-ton or more cooling units. Some can also be interconnected to other duct detectors.
Detectors provide early detection of smoke and products of combustion present in air moving through an HVAC duct. This duct smoke detector features a versatile mounting option for square or rectangular configurations. It is designed with modular construction for installation for either round or rectangular ductwork. Up to detectors can be interconnected for multifan shutdown.
Such devices shall be compatible with the operating velocities, pressures, temperatures, and humidities of the system.
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