What does white smoke from motorcycle exhaust mean? What can cause white smoke out the tailpipe? What would cause black smoke to come out of muffler? Why is white smoke coming out of my tailpipe?
Here are of the most common causes of a car blowing white smoke from the exhaust pipe. Condensation Burn Off. If you notice white smoke coming from your muffler , don’t automatically assume the worst. If white smoke continues to come out of your exhaust while the car is running, there are other issues at fault. One cause of white smoke from the exhaust might be the engine leaking coolant.
If the engine leaks coolant, it will be burned by the heat of the engine and then come out as smoke from the exhaust. How to Diagnose a Car with White Smoke from Exhaust. There are several ways to diagnose a car with white smoke. However, some ways are easier and faster than others. I work as a mechanic, and this is the way I would diagnose this issue.
If this is the cause, then the exhaust smoke may come with a sweet smell. There may also be a low level of coolant reserve. And not as scary as it looks, white smoke should not be a matter of concern.
White smoke from exhaust that looks like thin wisp is the topic for today. This is generally steam caused by condensation. As the engine warms up and the condensation dissipates the white exhaust smoke (steam) is no longer seen.