I had this same issue last year and. The engine will burn off the residue and the smoke should stop. Mowers N Blowers 33views. Lawn mower smokes on start up?
Why is my lawn mower smoking ? I want to know how to proceed so I don’t. Blue or white smoke coming from your engine usually indicates burning oil, which can be caused by: Overfilling the crankcase with oil. Some smoke at startup , when cold due to the choke open, is normal for any small engine.
If your electric lawn mower is smoking , you must unplug it before attempting any further investigation. The motor has most likely burnt out. This is generally associated with an old. Pull off the spark plug boot, unscrew the plug with a socket wrench and examine the terminals. If they are coated with thick deposits, remove the deposits with sandpaper or a file.

If you have a riding mower or a push mower with a four-stroke engine and you see wet oil deposits, you may have a worn oil seal. The result is no smoke on startup or while running. The label on the deck clearly says oz oil SAE for the engine. I have rebuilt engines and not even a fresh engine smokes like that when started , maybe a little smoke , but what you described does not sound normal to me. If the smoke was for a few seconds and it was blue it would not be that ba but white as you describe is a lot of oil burning.
I personally would not buy it. Added Lucas oil leak additive after using Lucas engine clean and still smokes. Is this worth trying to repair? Get shopping advice from experts, friends and the community!
I was putting new oil in it and then started it up. It started smoking white smoke. I then checked oil level again and drained some out cause it was too full on the stick it said although I thought added under what the store even told me to add when changing the oil.
My mechanic, auto that is, says his does the same thing. As you may have suspecte blue smoke emanating from any part of a lawn mower does not mean a genie is about to appear and finish the mowing for you. Smoke indicates burning oil, which often means. Angie’s List is a good place to start if you don’t have a shop in mind already. To sum things up, white smoke emerging from your lawn mower is not a sure sign that it’s broken.

Your mower might just need a bit of TLC. Before you take that drive to the mechanic’s place, take a little time to smell the smoke and note what color the smoke is. Sometimes even parking a mower on a slope such that the cylinder is low can result in smoking at startup.
This smoke will generally clear in a minute or so. Upon starting, the oil is expelled into the muffler. Parking these or operation them nose-down can also result in a plume of smoke on startup. Because of the orientation of the sump to jugs, oil gets in the combustion chamber very easily.

If the mix is too rich, the mower will emit smoke. Fuel that sits too long in the tank or lines (such as during the off-season) can cause the engine to emit smoke, too. Smoke on startup is often worn valve stem seals. Smoke while running is often loose piston rings, worn cylinder, or a blown head gasket.
Not serious, but something to deal with before it gets worse if you want to keep the mower. My mower never once back fired she has about 3hours. Two weeks ago, the lawn mower puffed out a little bit of smoke and I assumed that it was because I probably overfilled the tank. Today when I when to start the mower , the carborator blew out a lot of smoke.
The amount of smoke coming from the carborator lowere but it kept puffing out smoke.
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