If the oil cap blows off or you get puffs of white smoke its possible you have a bad cylinder. Need some help with an Cummins 6. The truck was tuned months ago and had been running with no problems until about a week ago. The owner said the truck started smoking black any time he was on the throttle and occasionally he would get a fuel knock along with white smoke. I get white smoke at start up, when taking off in 2nd and when I goose it on the highway.
My FR pressure is good. What could be causing this? I figured if it was a bad injector it would run like crap and get crappy mileage.
On the common rail Cummins , white smoke is more characteristic of an injector problem. If the exhaust smells almost like bug spray, it is. Blowing white smoke is a red flag for your diesel engine, yet we see this happen all the time to our customers. In many cases, white smoke emanating from the tailpipe (often at idle once the engine reached operating temperature) typically means a worn out injector. L Cummins engine, and I am having some problems.

Sometimes when it is col the truck sputters and blows white smoke , and it takes a few minutes to clear out. I took it into dealership in Fla. Power lost was intermitent, but concerning. Cheapest and easiest way to make your 6. Dodge cummins diesel blowing white smoke on start up. Not losing power or fuel mileage.
Basically, smoke from a diesel engine indicates that something is not right. Diesel Smoke tells YOU a Story. It should be taken as an indication that there is a problem existing (or developing), that will potentially shorten the engine life, or result in unnecessary costs. At my final fill up I noticed that while idling while fueling that the truck was blowing white smoke at idle. A brand new diesel engine running at full load will experience a little bit of blow -by upon startup.
Blow -by is a condition where diesel fuel, air and vapor are pushed past the rings into the crankcase of the engine. My glow plugs work correctly, the coolant looks great, oil is goo nothing smells fowel, the white smoke smells like diesel smoke. This happened all the sudden, truck would always start with the bump of the key.
I really NEED the help with any advice anyone could give. Performed total inframe ( pistons,liners,heads,turbo,injectors ) Lots of white smoke and engine skip. Is this bad recon injectors or and oil problem with my control valve. In the last few days i noticed it had a strong smell of raw diesel and it is blowing white smoke.
Tonight when i started it it was blowing white smoke for a good while and a very strong smell of raw diesel. This vehicle is losing power to the point that it will not go. NO POWER AND BLOWING BLACK SMOKE. If it blows a lot of blue smoke , then your timing is a little off.
Oil in the cylinders can be a little more tricky.
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