Note: If you are facing any issue in record retrieval, please visit Standard HTML Version. Driving License In order to raise the standards of training to both domestic and professional drivers, so as to minimize the inreasing numbers of road traffic accidents resulting in fatalities and different other losses, NHMP is launching services regarding issuance of driving licenses in near future. This was stated by Superintendent Police and in-charge Drivers Licencing Authority (DLA) Inam Ilahi during a seminar of raod safety here. The Supreme Court of Pakistan is the highest appellate court of the country and court of last resort. It is the final arbiter of the law and the Constitution.

Islamaba Pakistan We will be happy to guide you through any of the above if you are having problems or do not understand. In this book the question and its are providing information for the drivers. The first highway of Pakistan was established twenty years before.
This book is in Urdu language and consist of the two hundred test questions in Urdu for driving license by motorway police for all people of Pakistan. Currently, NHMP’s driving license branches are operational in four cities of the country including Lahore, Islamaba Sheikhupura and Kamra while another branch would be opened soon in Karachi. All interested candidates wanted to apply suggested to read the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image and also after this paragraph.

The hand signal of the traffic police in the picture is a. An auxiliary signal for stopping b. A signal for stopping c. None of the above a 57. You have to apply from there. In pursuance of Federal Recruitment Policy regarding recruitment to the posts in BS-to BS-on a local basis through Balloting, applications are invited for recruitment against 3vacant posts of following non-uniformed cadres (BS-to BS-05) purely on contract basis. ITP Islamabad Traffic Police Driving School - F- Islamabad.
To maintain smooth flow of traffic, prevention of accidents, helping road users in distress, ensuring rule of law through equal application, achieving the target of zero tolerance with firmness. NHMP is continuously making efforts to ensure safe journey for all road users and provide timely help and assistance to commuters requiring minor helps or. Recently, a friend of mine had to buy a pair of tyres in emergency on the motorway.

He paid Rs10but found out later that he was scammed as the same pair costs around Rs10in Islamabad. These are our online games related to motorway driving on flasharcadegamessite. Motorway police — service over safety. Joining motorway police is an exceptional way to serve the elite class department against attractive salary. In addition to lucrative salary allowances and other benefits are also offered to employees of department.
While 5females are are included in the list of driving license holders. According to Chief Traffic Officer Lahore Mr. The police can stop motorists (called a contrôle) and ask for identification and car papers at any time.
These may include your passport or residence permit, driving licence (French if held), vehicle registration document ( carte grise ) and insurance certificate. Great news for overseas Pakistanis! F- F- F-1 F-1 G- G- G-1 G-1 Fatima Jinnah Park and nearby.
The filing of a complaint is for practice issues only. Only after reviewing this material should the board be contacted for assistance.
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