As air pollution levels rise from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok to Yangon, and Phnom Penh to Jakarta, it’s wise to stay abreast of the latest developments. There are many websites and apps that measure the concentrations of both PM2. PMand other pollutants.
Here are three useful apps to check air quality wherever you are. Check air pollution level in your area with these apps Air pollution levels are on an all time high and while we don’t need indicators to prove this you can still check out these apps to stay. They measure both the concentration of PM 2. PM as well as additonal pollutants such as O SO NO2.
If you need to choose a single measure, take the concentration of the finest Particulate Matter 2. About the World Air Quality Index project How to use this web application To get more information about a specific city, move your move over any of the the flags in the above map, then click to get the full air pollution historical data. For instance, in East Delhi, air quality on Tuesday showed particulate matter of 3mg per m for which the health advisory on the app says it is advisable to wear pollution masks and avoid outdoor activity. Very easy to set up, they only require a WIFI access point and a USB power supply. Once connecte air pollution levels are reported instantaneously and in real-time on our. Air visual is an app for monitoring the key pollutants of the air and also forecasts the weather.
It covers six thousand cities spread across more than forty countries across the globe. This device can detect levels of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, VOCs (chemical contamination), small and large particle matter, relative humidity levels, as well as the temperature in a room. Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Guangzhou. For Hong Kong and Taiwan, the respective Environment agencies PM2. Teachers can use the Too Noisy app to keep watch on the sound levels in the classrooms and control the noise level.
In a bid to enhance awareness of the hazards of air pollution, India’s first ‘air quality’ Mobile App, SAFAR-Air, was launched on Tuesday at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune. At the time of monitoring, HuffPost India was unable to check the air quality index for several of the cities because. Study: Air Pollution Kills More Than 5. Provides real-time air pollution data in an understandable, visual format, information about the public health and environmental effects of air pollution , information about ways in which the public can protect their health, and actions they can take to reduce pollution. As toxic air from pollution sees London’s Mayor warn residents to reduce physical activity, discover how to check air-quality levels in your area using apps and the internet.

I’ve been using the AirVisual App for more than one year to check the real-time air quality information of Beijing, which is currently suffering from air pollution problems. Personally, I think it’s the best app to acquire air quality info. All of their data sources are from public government monitor stations.
AQI India has launched a new mobile app that will enable users to check real-time the air quality index (AQI) and PM 2. Based on the data at a specific location, users will also get personalized health advice. What is the air quality today? Plan your outdoor activities with our health recommendations to reduce your pollution exposure.

Mumbai residents can now check air pollution level on a mobile app 1. LED digital display boards showing details of air pollution levels in the city. The mobile app shows air. Users can get 24-hour forecast of how the air quality will increase or decrease hour by hour. In Delhi, air pollution levels reached times over the safe limits this year. According to news reports, “Many areas in the city witnessed zero visibility, including railway stations, highways, and airports.
Users can also search for air quality in specific cities or zip codes, and push notifications alert the user air pollution if becomes unhealthy for sensitive groups. This new app developed by EPFL researchers was recently tested in Zurich. Another app that could help in detecting pollution is called Air Quality Index BreezoMeter which is also available playstore for free and is has services in India too. It is highly effient in detecting the level of pollution in the air outdoors.
Years of life lost (YLL), was higher for men than women,. AQI India provides air pollution data with real-time Air Quality Index (AQI), PM2. Plumes Air Report app is available for Android and iOS users. It provides real-time information on pollution levels in a city and the forecasts the levels over the next few hours.
It also helps identify the best time to go outside without getting overexposed to pollution.
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