Smoke detection at air handling return grilles. Buildings where other smoke detectors have failed. An Air Sampling Detector consists of a piping or tubing distribution network that runs from the detector to the area(s) to be protected. An aspiration fan in the detector housing draws air from the protected area back to the detector through air sampling ports, piping, or tubing. At the detector , the air is analyzed for fire products.
An aspirating smoke detector (ASD) is a system used in active fire protection, consisting of a central detection unit which draws air through a network of pipes to detect smoke. The sampling chamber is based on a nephelometer that detects the presence of smoke particles suspended in air by detecting the light scattered by them in the chamber. ASDs can typically detect smoke before it is visible to the naked eye. Other smoke detection devices are “passive” systems. They rely on the heat of the smoke and the airflow of the room, for the smoke or heat to reach the detector.
The first step to exploring the pros and cons of these detector systems is to understand how they are different from other detector systems, like those triggered by heat or flame. Air Sampling Devices , on the other han are easily installe with annual smoke detection system testing performed from a single, convenient location, minimizing time and reducing recurrent expenses. In the case of this gymnasium, or any other lofted ceiling space, this means that all testing can be done from the groun. Air Sampling Smoke Detector ReadySET Description The ReadySET air aspirating ( sampling ) smoke detector is a central detection unit that actively draws air from a protected area through its sampling pipe and monitors the stream for the pres-ence of smoke and other products of combustion.
VESDA aspirating smoke detection solutions with continuous air sampling provide the earliest possible warning of an impending fire hazard. In addition, Air Sampling Smoke Detectors systems actively draw air through the sampling holes to provide consistent and predictable detection performance in high airflow environments. The Ultra AnaLASER II Detector has a sensitivity range of 0. How do smoke detectors detect cigarette smoke?
The air sampling smoke detection kit is a passive monitoring system without its own fan. What is a VESDA system? It makes use of the existing pressure difference in the ventilation system in order to supply a continuous flow of air through a bypass from the ventilation duct to the air sampling smoke detection kit.
Air sampling smoke detector maintenance and service personnel can work on the system without entering the clean room. The highly modular air sampling smoke detection system offers solutions for both simple and highly specialised areas of application. High-sensitivity Air Sampling Smoke Detection Systems (HSSD) use laser-based sensors that are a thousand times more sensitive than conventional smoke detectors.
VESDA VLF (LaserFOCUSTM) The VESDA VLF delivers the most advanced and cost-effective air - sampling smoke detection technology for small environments. The VESDA VLF-2model protects areas up to 2square meters (5square feet), and the VESDA VLF-5model covers up to 5square meters (0square feet). Where were air sampling smoke detectors developed? Projected beam smoke detectors. In normal applications, it is common for the air pressure in the protected room (PR) to be the same as the air pressure where the air is being exhausted from the detector (PE).

When high value assets, equipment or irreplaceable items are at stake, early warning of a smoke or fire problem, is essential. Our air sampling or air monitoring equipment actively pulls in room air to a special chamber where it can detect the presence of particles that are created in the very early stages of combustion, even before smoke is visible. The LaserScanner also protects areas up to 20sq. This means that the detector can determine where the smoke is within a room. Air sampling detectors (ASDs) are a superior method of early warning detection, which identifies invisible by-products of degrading materials during the pre-combustion stages of an emerging fire.
Unlike passive smoke detection systems, including soot detectors, air sampling detectors actively draw smoke to the detector through a piping system that runs throughout the protected area. Air is drawn from the protected area through sampling holes in a flexible pipe network utilizing a high- performance aspirator. Sampled air is then passed by an addressable spot detector inside the XAS housing to determine if an alarm condition exists.
An Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD) System utilises an aspirator (fan) to actively draw air into a remote detector , through a sampling pipe network that extends into a protected space.
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