When it’s cold outside and you notice white smoke at startup , then you probably have nothing to worry about. When the warm or hot exhaust gases meet cold outside air, condensation and steam is a result. When I start my car for the first time every day, I have white smoke come out my exhaust usually for about a minute or two but it runs fine after that.
White smoke from exhaust upon cold start. Today when I started my car I noticed some white smoke. I opened the airbox up and there was oil in it. I am a new subie owner. Getting white smoke at start -up after sitting over night or for multiple hours usually temps around 40- degrees.
Goes away after engine warms up. New england fall mornings. The white smoke only happens when I start the car. When she starts it from a cold start it blows a puff of smoke for about 2-seconds. If you liked the video please Hit LIKE, Share and SUBSCRIBE TO ME for Ink intro credit to Brainflakes.

This is because the two stroke engine have back up oil which normally enters the fuel chamber to lubricate the piston. Condensation that accumulates inside the exhaust pipes, converter and mufflers can produce a puff of white smoke upon diesel engine start-up. In very cold temperatures, the heated exhaust can freeze into minute fuel droplets when exiting the exhaust and produce a more prolonged emission of white smoke for a very short period of driving time.
Any suggestions on what the issue may be? Hope its not the piston ring seals! Diesel engines need high compression and heat for fuel combustion. It can be especially difficult to start a diesel engine during cold weather. Diesels with an engine temperature below about F. Someone must be pretty new to automobiles for not checking it first.

Glad you got her fixed. L with 120miles on it. I have never had one issue with it, not warning lights or anything. Maintenance has been up to date. After that, the exhaust is fine.
Re: Puff of white smoke upon cold start means. I would worry about this. Moved to golf cart community and for last year averaged 175. I now drive highway and city. Car in garage when not in use.

On startup , there is a puff of white smoke for no longer than about 3-seconds, then it goes away and all is well. White Smoke Most diesels with an engine temperature below about F. The content of white smoke is finely atomized raw fuel and water vapor. The level of white smoke will taper off as the engine smoothes out and all cylinders begin firing normally. Some white smoke is normal on cold start -ups.
Excessive white smoke could be an indication of inoperative glow plugs, loose injectors, low compression from worn rings or bent connecting rods, or coolant leak into the cylinders. White with a hint of blue smoke at start up Every time I start my car wether it is hold or cold I get white smoke with a hint of blue. I did a cold start now it does it every start.
Sometimes the cylinders start losing compression and a little extra oil gets burned when you have high miles. Check your oil level too, to make sure it is not overfilled. You can get a compression check for about dollars, but repairing that would be costly.
Sometimes with older cars, smoke becomes inevitable, especially upon startup.
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