While generally well-known in the mechanic community, consumers should be aware that Toyota 1KD engines have a very specific problem. This is an easy way to check bad injectors. You can also do it with Toyota Intelligent Tester II, Toyota Techstream or any other device that.

Blue smoke is the bad one, caused by either piston rings worn, or headgasket blown. I have cut injectors out while the smoke is blowing with no noticable. HiIm new here and would greatly appriciate some advice. Im getting blue smoke on start up, first thing in the morning or if its stood for a couple of hours.
When I first got it the engine Oil was over fille i only notices when doing an Oil and filter change. D-4d White Smoke - Verso Club - Toyota. Help With Avensis D4d White Smoke - Avensis Club.
It started to smoke slightly when starting the engine in the mornings when engine is still cold. When engine is not cold - no smoking at all. I asked Toyota to look into problem. This study investigates the conditions and mechanisms of sulfur-related white smoke generation. Engine and vehicle tests found that sulfur compounds emitted from the engine accumulated on the catalysts in the DPF system and were emitted as white smoke during DPF regeneration.
The white smoke was observed when the catalyst temperature was more. Ultimate resource to the late model Toyota Hilux Ute. Hey all, So a couple weeks back i started my car (Turbo Diesel Hilux ) about mid afternoon and it blew out a fair amount of white smoke out the back of the exhaust pipe.

Litre turbo D4D engine, 1kd-ftv. I was driving it and a tinging type noise was coming from the engine, which I just heard. I stopped and the engine shut off and stopped working. About minutes later I could restart it and the was white smoke coming out of my snorkel ( air intake ) and it was running rough.
Mechanic pulled off intercooler, oil all through the turbo etc, turbo needed bearings, seals done. A piston or valve stem seals will always blow smoke , not only when parked at a slope. Many moons ago I bought a little Golf to fix a resell. It had this strange problem when you go fast around a right turn, it blew out white smoke. Turning left had no effect.

Finally we had a HiLux with decent amount of performance thanks to the (for the time) high-tech 3. My toyota ravis blowing a bit of smoke on start up , it seems to be white or blue, def not black. And it seems to idle very high as soon as it turns on then settles down after a few mins. When there is white smoke coming from the exhaust, it can mean a few things. To recap what has been highlighted in the Hilux discussion – as a Fortuner 3. D4D vehicle owner, be aware of the following possible problem areas which may rear its head: Injector Failure. It seems like many owners of vehicles fitted with a D4D engine, experience noise and excessive white smoke during a cold start?
These may be the symptoms. If left for hours facing downhill the engine hydraulics, then starts with a lot of smoke and runs very rough for a minute or so. White smoke can be a big problem or not, depending on the thickness. Some driving conditions may not allow Active Regeneration to occur. The smoke stops after a short while with motorway driving, but returns after an urban cycle.
Any help would be appreciated.
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