Breaking in the engine seats piston rings and burns off residual oil that may have coated. You can usually correct this problem by cleaning the air filter. Blue or white smoke means the engine is burning oil. Most of the time, the lawn mower smoke will stop on its own.
Does it still smoke white after getting good and warm? My experience has been that white smoke = moisture in one form or another. Sometimes it can just be condensation in the engine and exhaust system but will usually clear up as the engine and components warm up to dry out the moisture. Started my my lawn mower and barely runs and white smoke like the Bat Mobile would put out.
John Deere L 1with the hp Kohler engine and 2hours. I have it serviced every year. I went to mow the back yard last week, it started fine, but as soon as I engaged the mower deck, or put a load on it, heavy white smoke started coming out of it. As soon as I disengage the mower blades, the white smoke quits. It is acceptable for all but the most modern diesels to experience white smoke at startup.
But this should disappear after the engine warms up. I spoke with a couple of mechanics and searched on line and it was eluded too that the problem was in fuel system. Have never had a problem with it always ran great, now white smoke and will not stay running, dies out the more gas i give it. I drained the water separator on filter and the problem stopped until this week.
The white smoke is the engine burning off all the excess oil. The fix - drain the excessive oil, and idle the engine until the smoke clears. This may take minutes or so.

Depending on your mower type, draining the oil can be a pain in the ass. I got this Briggs and Stratton oil extractor, on Amazon, makes life soooo easy. The revs go down, acceleration quits and the tail pipe starts billowing white smoke. The customer was told it needed a new engine as the original one was smoking heavily. If timing is late, burning takes place too late to burn completely so is cooler.
White Smoke From Riding Lawn Mower. Poor compression causes low heat, so white smoke. When pulling, more fuel is injected so burns hotter plus, depending on what injection pump you have, the timing may get earlier. JD LT1belched out white smoke and chocked herself out.
Let stand 10min, checked oil (looked ok) started her back up and nersed her back to barn with white smoke filling the yard. Had her for years, mows 1. Black smoke is caused by a very rich fuel-to-air ratio. A brand new diesel engine running at full load will experience a little bit of blow-by upon startup. Blow-by is a condition where diesel fuel, air and vapor are pushed past the rings into the crankcase of the engine.
I used it on Saturday and for the past two weeks with no problem. Yesterday when I went to start it, it seemed like I had left the lights on a drained the battery. I had to jump it from my truck to get it running. I blow a large amount of white smoke which I figured no.

Low engine temperature. Engine emits white smoke Improper type fuel. Warm up engine to normal operating temperature. Defective injection nozzles. I had it in the dealer and he said that it was normal to puff smoke when engaging the mower deck, but I told him it was not when you engaged it, it was later when mowing.
I was putting new oil in it and then started it up. It started smoking white smoke. I then checked oil level again and drained some out cause it was too full on the stick it said although I thought added under what the store even told me to add when changing the oil.
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