What does AQI stand for? For example, an AQI value of represents good air quality with little potential to affect public health, while an AQI value over 3represents hazardous air quality. An AQI value of 1generally corresponds to the national air quality standard for the pollutant, which is the level EPA has set to protect public health. Users can downloa output, view or visualize the data. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) and your local air quality agency have been working to make information about outdoor air quality as easy to find and understand as weather forecasts.
Low AQI High AQI Low Breakpoint. These lists include the parameters as defined in the EPA AQS system as CORE HAPS or VOC. You can view the list of parameters included in either catagory by visiting the AQS Code Tables page for Parameter Classes and searching for CORE_HAPS or VOC.
As part of this initiative, U. Mission Thailand is reporting the U. EPA AirNow program is the national repository of real time air quality data and forecasts for the United States. So this aim of the FAQ entry is to explain how the convertion between the two AQI scales is done. Department of State (DOS) and the U. The system is managed. Embassies and Consulates around the globe.

Embassy Kathmandu recently installed two air quality monitors (AQMs) in Kathmandu: they are located on the Embassy grounds and at the. Note: this graph does not include all the sources of air pollution considered in AQI calculation. Other sources include ozone and CO. Based on several studies at both low and high pollution levels, the human health effects are believed to be. AQI ) value that can help inform health-related decisions.
This algorithm converts raw PM 2. If checking the AQI isn’t part of your daily routine, this is the perfect time to start. Since each country issues different AQI calculation methods, using this package might be inappropriate, consider your usage. A value in the unhealthy range, above the national air quality standard for any pollutant, is of concern first for sensitive groups, then for everyone as the AQI value increases. All methods, constraints use in this project follows US EPA AQI Calculation Method (which includes breakpoint table and calculation formulas).
Sensirion SPSparticulate matter sensor. Air Quality Awareness Week is April through May 1. AQI on ThingSpeak - ThingSpeak is the open IoT platform with MATLAB analytics. AQI values below 1are generally thought of as satisfactory. Data on this site is presented in Standard Time at the time the measurement ended.
Health Effects Statement PM2. Unusually sensitive people should consider limiting prolonged outdoor exertion. As our local AQI soared past 20 I was quickly motivated to find out, and to pass along what I. Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups. Hazardous AQI greater than 300. EPA has assigned a specific color to each AQI category to make it easier for people to understand quickly whether air pollution is reaching unhealthy levels in their communities.

Air quality maps from the AIRNow website. Each level has a color representation which is the same for both the US and China AQIs. Oregon’s index is based on three pollutants regulated by the federal Clean Air Act: ground-level ozone, particle pollution and nitrogen dioxide.
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