Wednesday, August 7, 2019

White smoke from exhaust on startup only

What causes white smoke from diesel exhaust? How to fix black smoke from exhaust? Can too much oil cause white smoke from exhaust?

One reason for white smoke is very common and completely harmless. If you see white smoke during startup only , then this is probably because oil leaks pass the valves and mixes with any moisture present in the car’s exhaust. When you park your car under extremely cold conditions, the car becomes too cool, its air shrinks and starts producing moisture. The reason why there is white smoke on start up will depend on the condition of the engine when the white smoke is notice.

If you notice the white smoke from exhaust only when the engine is very col then this condition is normal this happens because the condensation is steaming off when you start the engine. On cold winter days, it is common to see white smoke from exhaust pipe as soon as you start the car. As the engine warms up after a few minutes, this white smoke will not be reduced because condensation is dissipated. This is nothing but steam caused due to condensation.

Moved to golf cart community and for last year averaged 175. I now drive highway and city. Car in garage when not in use. If smoke is being release then this is indicative of a problem. HOWTO looks at all the possible reasons why white smoke is coming from your exhaust pipe.

White smoke on start up in the morning for a few seconds is normal and harmless. But it is always a good idea to keep an eye on your oil and coolant levels on any car, smoke or no smoke. Even in a hot and humid climate, there will be some condensation in the exhaust system overnight. When I start my car for the first time every day, I have white smoke come out my exhaust usually for about a minute or two but it runs fine after that.

White smoke from exhaust on startup only

Also if the engine cools after parking for hours it happens. Is my engine having issues any help to stop the smoke is highly welcomed. BMW 740il Getting white smoke out of the exhaust at cold start in the AM and if let for couple of hours the same thing happens at start up.

Then everything is fine as usual. It never used to happen. Water is white smoke (and usually dissipates quickly after leaving the exhaust ), oil is grayish smoke (and hangs around longer plus smells of oil) and excess fuel is a blacker smoke.

It appears grayish- white in color. Seems like every month or so, the puff gets a bit bigger. Any ideas on what this could be? Causes of White Smoke from the Exhaust pipe.

The smoke should only be coming out in small amounts after you start your engine. If this is the case then you have nothing to worry about. Does it ALWAYS burn white ? DESCRIBE, DESCRIBE, DESCRIBE! OVERFILLING THE OIL will produce this white burned smoke too.

Some white exhaust smoke is normal, especially when you first start the car. Condensation can turn to vapor, providing what looks like white exhaust. But excessive white smoke likely means coolant is leaking into the engine combustion chambers. The appearance of blue smoke is commonly seen during morning time when you start the engine for the first time on a day. If you don’t follow proper maintenance procedure, the blue smoke from exhaust problem is most likely to occur.

So, it is the only solution to avoid such a problem. The black smoke may show there is a return fuel line which is obstructed. Fuel injectors and sensors might also be damaged. A final problem which can be diagnosed from black smoke is problem with the air filter. L with 120miles on it.

I have never had one issue with it, not warning lights or anything. Maintenance has been up to date. After that, the exhaust is fine.

A little white smoke that is odorless coming out of a COLD four stroke engine is likely to be steam from condensation in the exhaust system, and it won’t last longer than it takes the pipes to warm up.

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