Generator Direct, articles. This is a case where you’ll probably want to call in the diesel pros, but here’s a diagnostic tip: While the engine is smoking, hold your hand over the exhaust outlet for seconds or so. Don’t restrict the exhaust, just attempt to.
Products designed to flush carbon away from the pistons often cures this problem. If the white smoke is due to the engine being too cool, adding an automatic pre-heater may eliminate white diesel smoke. The commonest cause of white smoke is likely injector pump timing. In order to function properly, a diesel engine needs precise timing of the injector pump and high pressure.
So, any decrease in the pressure or delay in the fuel delivery to the combustion chamber will result in incomplete combustion, leading to white smoke. Sometimes diesel engines emit a white smoke while starting. The white smoke is due to unburnt fuel caused by improper heating. It can be especially difficult to start a diesel engine during cold weather.
But mostly, it is the incorrect injector timing in the cylinders. If there is smoke coming from the exhaust it could indicate a more serious problem with the engine. This article will help diagnose the underlying causes of diesel engine smoke. Consistent smoke coming from the exhaust most likely indicates a deeper internal problem with the engine.
Blowing white smoke is a red flag for your diesel engine, yet we see this happen all the time to our customers. In many cases, white smoke emanating from the tailpipe (often at idle once the engine reached operating temperature) typically means a worn out injector. The generator has about 5hours on it. I just started experiencing pretty heavy white smoke coming out of the port-side exhaust.
Diesel Smoke tells YOU a Story. I have cleaned the strainers and ensured proper raw water flow, and changed oil at 500. Reading this writeup could be the solution you need Basically, smoke from a diesel engine indicates that something is not right , this will potentially shorten the engine life, or result in unnecessary costs. Bad injectors, injector timing, plugged inlet restricted air induction. This can be cause and is common is a dirty air filter, a collapsed intake hose or an exhaust restriction.
The most noticeable symptom of internal coolant leakage is when the white smoke is billowing out of the exhaust pipe and leaves a sweet odor in the air. There’s white smoke and then there’s white smoke. White smoke indicates a lean fuel condition. Usually with white smoke you’re either spitting out vaporous un-burned diesel or steam. To tell the difference between the two is fairly easy, if your engine is making white smoke right from start up and the smoke sits on the water without disappearing you’re most likely looking at un.
When combustion is incomplete, a diesel mist comes from the exhaust. It is very common when starting a diesel in very cold weather. Since this is a boat and marine diesel forum, an white smoke seems to come with the territory, I’ll first start by giving you about twenty years of personal experience with white smoke. What causes white exhaust smoke , what causes an.
Normally, it would happen at startup in cold weather with lower compression engines and retarded timing.
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