When there is white smoke coming from the exhaust , it can mean a few things. It’s not necessarily anything to be concerned about. But, a LOT of it can be a sign of big trouble. This will cause white smoke , along with the idle issue. Smoke is white , neither grey nor black.

This is nothing but steam caused due to condensation. As the engine warms up after a few minutes, this white smoke will not be reduced because condensation is dissipated. It should reduce or even disappear after the car becomes reasonably warm. But your immediate concern should be the white smoke. Whereas a little white on a cold day is simple condensation, and typically goes away within minutes.
In the old days, this would usually be a head gasket problem. I pulled over to open my hood and first thing i did was open the lid were you add the oil and it had alot of white smoke coming out. Can u plz plz help me. When she starts smoking open the bonnet and I bet the inlet manifold (aluminium part across the top of the radiator) is like well HOT due to the valve stuck open and continuous recycled hot exhaust gases which sends the injection system belly up hence the very white heavy smoke ,loss of power and old oil boiler smell. If you notice that your car is blowing white smoke.

That can happen in heavy rain. The white smoke is from burning the water that was drawn into the engine. I bet if you pull out your air filter you will find it soaked. Remove the sparkplugs and crank the engine to get the remaining water out.
But no white on dipstick or in oil Answer. One of two conditions is responsible for white smoke blowing out of your exhaust. First is normal condition (so you don’t have to panic) and the second is a not so normal condition which should be fixed as soon as possible.
I stopped at the store turned off my car. I did a bit of digging around online and stuff and most sites said to check coolant levels etc. The combination of the coolant and engine oil will create a milky appearance in the smoke. All it takes is for just a little bit of coolant to get into the combustion chamber for white smoke to be produced. The black smoke may show there is a return fuel line which is obstructed.
Fuel injectors and sensors might also be damaged. A final problem which can be diagnosed from black smoke is problem with the air filter. I just got an SCab - plate with 55k miles.
I was getting concerned because I started reading a lot about Head Gasket issues, etc. The most common reason for white smoke from the exhaust pipe that is condensed in the exhaust pipe. White smoke that is like vapor and disappears soon could majorly be because of condensation. Steam is emitted by condensation in exhaust pipe which is seen at exhaust emission.
Crankcase pressure alone will not cause smoke out the tailpipe unless you have over filled the engine with oil (or any liquid in the engine). I am assuming that you have the proper amount of oil in the engine or less. No, in my opinion, it is the Turbo. White smoke is caused by coolant (water and anti freeze) geting into the combustioner chamber and or the exhaust.
It is highly unlikely for coolant to leak into the exhaust from the turbo, although. White smoke Some white exhaust smoke is normal, especially when you first start the car. Condensation can turn to vapor, providing what looks like white exhaust. But excessive white smoke likely means coolant is leaking into the engine combustion chambers.
You may commonly see white smoke coming from the exhaust on cooler days upon starting.
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