DH400ACDC detectors are designed to operate from VDC, VAC, 1VAC, or 2VAC. Alarm and supervisory relay contacts are available for control panel interface (alarm initiation), HVAC control, and other auxiliary func-tions. These detectors are not designed for 2-wire applica-tion. Plug this end with the end plug and tape closed any holes in the protruding section of the tube.
Wiring Diagram for DH400ACDC 4-Wire Duct Detector System Equipped Without a Control Panel. APA4AUDIBLE PIEZO ALERT WITH ALARM AND POWER (TROUBLE) LEDS. FOR STAND ALONE APPLICATIONS ONLY. It gives dependable performance for management of fans, blowers and air conditioning sys-tems, preventing the spread of toxic smoke and fire gases through the protected area. System Sensor makes no other express warranty for the enclosed product.
Green, yellow and red LEDs provide a visual indicationages. Wireand alarm conditions, respectively. Free shipping for many products! Buy New or Surplus HONEYWELL DH400ACDC ( SMOKE DETECTOR DUCT ) parts.
Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Radwell also repairs HONEYWELL DH400ACDC. For exterior applications use DH4OE-outdoor enclosure. Order the correct size air sampling tube (ST-xx) and detector separately.
WIRING DIAGRAM fOR RTS151KEY TO. DH400ACDC duct smoke detector models and combines a horn feature with the key-activated test and reset functions. Green, amber and red LEDs provide visual indication of power, trouble and alarm conditions, respectively. Is Similar To: 4hd-ror Unbranded-generic Heat Detector 1(6 similar) 2m x 50ft description the hardwired heat detector use electronic processing to detect temperature rate-of-rise and fixed set point conditions.

Pricing in RED is a Quantity break item. Compatible with DH100ACDC and DH400ACDC duct detectors. Duct Smoke Detectors , and attachments, R-R-4Ice picks.
Included: One DH400ACDC air duct smoke detector Four Notifier FSD-751PL photoelectronic duct smoke detectors Surplus Property will be closed November and for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Type: Remote Annunciator. Edwards (EST) Faraday.
Siemens (Cerberus Pyrotronics) Simplex. Space Age Electronics. Connect this wire to one of the wires on the provided Remote Start Shutoff Switch.
The other wire See the following diagram for setting the lights flash polarity. Limit wire runs to ohms or less per interconnecting wire. Not compatible with DH400E and DH400ACDC -E. Save duct smoke detector to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed.
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