The most noticeable symptom of internal coolant leakage is when the white smoke is billowing out of the exhaust pipe and leaves a sweet odor in the air. White smoke occurs in a diesel engine when the diesel fuel goes through the engine and reaches the exhaust without having been burned. Since this is a boat and marine diesel forum, an white smoke seems to come with the territory, I’ll first start by giving you about twenty years of personal experience with white smoke.
Continuous white smoke while driving is one of them. If you are having a diesel , white smoke may be unburned fuel or coolant going through the engine. But mostly, it is the incorrect injector timing in the cylinders. If the color of smoke is white , it means the heater can’t be ignited inside successfully.
The thick white smoke is the universal symptom of Espar problems. It is actually unburnt fuel being vaporized by the glow plug. Just about anything wrong with the unit will cause it.
The atomizer screen is probably the most common problem with a previously-well-behaved heater. I’ve sent back to Dometic for repairs as it keeps bogging up with carbon and blows white smoke after about months of continuous use of about 15hrs per day but they say there is nothing wrong with it, clean it and send it back and. The panel indicated the flame has turned out. Sometimes diesel engines emit a white smoke while starting. The white smoke is due to unburnt fuel caused by improper heating.
Diesel engines need high compression and heat for fuel combustion. It can be especially difficult to start a diesel engine during cold weather. Clouds of White Smoke when starting the Espar D2. After about 8hours of usage, the Espar Dshowed signs of thick white smoke coming out the exhaust pipe upon startup.
Once the fuel ignite and the heater began to work, the white smoke would disappear. White smoke often occurs when there is either too much fuel being injected into the combustion chamber, or not enough heat to burn the fuel. Unless you are well versed in the functions and construction of your heater , this is something best left to a professional diesel heating engineer. This causes white smoke.
A common issue with the GM 6. L LBDuramax engine is white smoke at idle. Worn and damaged injectors are often the cause however there are other causes and considerations that should be looked at prior to injector replacement. INJECTORS STUCK OPEN OR WITH EXCESSIVELY LEAKING NOZZLES DIANOSIS 1. If it is smoking out the tailpipe, that means that either coolant or a bunch of excess fuel is getting. That generated the smoke and diesel smell.
However this things just puts off too much black smoke for my liking. Webasto = smelly white smoke ? The water still gets nice and hot but im thinking there is too much incomplete combustion. What do you guys think the cause of the black smoke is?
If, however, a preheat device such as glow plugs or an air-intake heater are malfunctioning, the production of white smoke may be excessive and longer lasting. Depending on the heating equipment installed in your home, wispy white smoke could be a normal byproduct of operation. The smoke can also be an indication of a fuel problem if your home heating equipment burns oil.
A licensed technician can help you determine if the source of the smoke is normal combustion or an issue requiring immediate attention. Those hoses and pipes wear out and get holes in them. The onboard computer senses too much fuel, too much air, not enough air and tries to compensate for it and hence the white smoke and shutdown.
These hoses and pipes should be replaced on a regular basis. The Espar will not run for long at altitudes greater than. Caused by unburned fuel passing through the engine.

Some white smoke is normal on cold start-ups. Excessive white smoke could be an indication of inoperative glow plugs, loose injectors, low compression from worn rings or bent connecting rods, or coolant leak into the cylinders. Did you fit it yourself? One cause of white smoke from the exhaust might be the engine leaking coolant. If the engine leaks coolant, it will be burned by the heat of the engine and then come out as smoke from the exhaust.
A problem with antifreeze might also be causing white smoke to come from the exhaust. White smoke means that the diesel fuel is not burning correctly due to a lack of heat in the combustion chamber.
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