The carburetor won’t cause white smoke to come from the exhaust , however the carburetor can be affected by this problem. One cause for white exhaust smoke is too much oil in the gasoline of a 2-cycle engine. If there is too much oil in the fuel, it will tend to pool and accumulate in various locations in the engine.
Typically, black smoke will be a fuel problem and white smoke will be an oil problem. With that machine being new I would suspect some white-ish smoke as the unit is new and there will be oil in the engine head area and muffler that is put there when made to prevent rust. New snow thrower blowing smoke. Here are a few things that should be checked before taking the unit in for service. Having smoke and wet nozzle indicate the fuel system is injecting fuel , but with low compression it is into a cold cylinder, causing white cold smoke.
If you need to improvise a leakdown test you can pull the valve cover , bring the rear cyl onto tdc compression stroke, remove the injector,. While it may look ba an engine blowing smoke is often not a serious malfunction, but it can turn into something worse if left to its own. Different colors of smoke can indicate different problems with your engine. Blue or white smoke coming from your engine usually indicates burning oil, which can be caused by: Overfilling the crankcase with oil. Operating engine at greater than a degree angle.
Inoperative crankcase breather. The engine will burn off the residue and the smoke should stop. If it does, get a bigger wrench and get the oil plug out ! Oil thinned by fuel will blow out the exhaust as white smoke and the engine will be damaged by the thinned oil. This kind of smoke disappears.
I adjusted the carb on both the HL screws to 1. I make on the carb richer or leaner it just blows out alot of white smokeas I give it some throttle. Often, the cause of this smoke is something simple that doesn’t need to be addressed. Huge puffs of white oil filled smoke from the exhaust , but not quite starting.

Drained out the oil and replaced it and ride on mower started first time with oodles of white smoke burning off for a while. Any ideas what happene or even how to fix it. It is a troy-bilt wide area mower, with tecumseh hp. One sprayed a little better then the other and after some solvent they looked fine according to the guy who tested them. I flushed the fuel tank, pump, and lines.
There has been no change. It starts, but runs very rough. Tons of white smoke coming out of the exhaust. A leaf blower should never start smoking when in operation.

If smoking occurs, stop the engine immediately and identify and solve the problem before using the leaf blower again. Has fuel with oil accidentally been mixed and added to the mower? Oil was coming out the muffler and white smoke was everywhere. Nothing serious, just a minor adjustment.
I used to own the blue flamer- a 10hp Simplicity snow blower - it would shoot a blue flame about inches out of the muffler. Speaking of the muffler, it was basically welded onto the engine, and became a straight pipe over time.
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