Thursday, September 29, 2016

Car putting out white smoke

White smoke when the car is running If white smoke continues to come out of your exhaust while the car is running, there are other issues at fault. One cause of white smoke from the exhaust might be the engine leaking coolant. If the engine leaks coolant, it will be burned by the heat of the engine and then come out as smoke from the exhaust.

Car putting out white smoke

Nov 1 20 If you see your tailpipe blowing white smoke then you should know the root causes to avoid any engine damage. One of two conditions is responsible for white smoke blowing out of your exhaust. First is normal condition (so you don’t have to panic) and the second is a not so normal condition which should be fixed as soon as possible.

Mar 2 20 If you start up a vehicle with a gas engine and you notice white smoke blowing out of the exhaust pipe, there are a few reasons why this could be happening. One reason for white smoke is very common and completely harmless. Sep 1 20 White smoke is the issue when your car releases white smoke from exhaust pipe.

White smoke can be a big problem or not, depending on the thickness. The white smoke is the result of normal condensation which builds up inside the exhaust system. So if it is thin like vapor, there is nothing to worry about since it will disappear quickly.

Oct 2 20 White smoke when startup - White smoke coming out of the exhaust engine can signal a serious problem with the vehicle except the 2-stroke engine. This is because the two stroke engine have back up oil which normally enters the fuel chamber to lubricate the piston. If the white smoke coming out is in volumes, you should stop the car immediately and call for emergency roadside assistance, including a tow truck.

Heavy volume of white smoke means the engine is dangerously overheating. Regrettably, you may be faced with having to purchase a new engine. Jan 3 20 White smoke can be nothing to be concerned about if it’s thin, like vapor. This is probably the result of normal condensation buildup inside the exhaust system.

This kind of smoke disappears. Sep 1 20 I can tell you exactly what causes the white smoke to be emitted from your exhaust upon starting the engine. This would be due to your engine burning oil.

The engine will burn oil when oil reaches the combustion chamber.

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