On the common rail Cummins, white smoke is more characteristic of an injector problem. If the exhaust smells almost like bug spray, it is. Since this is a boat and marine diesel forum, an white smoke seems to come with the territory, I’ll first start by giving you about twenty years of personal experience with white smoke. White smoke is caused by either unburned fuel or coolant. I have white smoke and rough idle.

Every now and then it seams to stall for just a second at take off. L Cummins engine, and I am having some problems. Sometimes when it is col the truck sputters and blows white smoke , and it takes a few minutes to clear out. A brand new diesel engine running at full load will experience a little bit of blow-by upon startup.
Blow-by is a condition where diesel fuel, air and vapor are pushed past the rings into the crankcase of the engine. TDC and plunger lift to determine timing. White Smoke Indicates a Faulty Fuel SysteTime for a Fuel Injector Service. The key of longevity for any engine is regular maintenance. Any time you see a change in the behavior, you need to address it.
It seems we get a lot of questions about white smoke from a deleted truck. Old school diesel guys know white smoke is quite common when the engine is cold. Pop Tested all of four of the stock injectors, one was Stuck and leaking. Performed total inframe ( pistons,liners,heads,turbo,injectors ) Lots of white smoke and engine skip.
Is this bad recon injectors or and oil problem with my control valve. Has anyone had a cummins isx smoke , its not white smoke either. I installed the pump with the gear case cover off and know it was right (per the cummins manual and engine year).

I had no smoke at idle and a puff when revved. Engine cranked up easy. Basically, smoke from a diesel engine indicates that something is not right. Diesel Smoke tells YOU a Story. It should be taken as an indication that there is a problem existing (or developing), that will potentially shorten the engine life, or result in unnecessary costs.
Our Team Of Trained Experts Are Ready To Answer All Of Your Questions - Shop Today! In this article we’ll troubleshoot low power, or the engine just not running right. If you start the engine, and immediately floor it, it will get to a. The white smoke is the result of normal condensation which builds up inside the exhaust system. My next door neighbor recently bought a used SeaRay with twin 8. Temp, EGT, Boost is fine.
Blue smoke is oil, probably turbo leak. Old diesels will smoke white on start up and clear up as they warm up and get some compression. Condensation that accumulates inside the exhaust pipes, converter and mufflers can produce a puff of white smoke upon diesel engine start-up.
In very cold temperatures, the heated exhaust can freeze into minute fuel droplets when exiting the exhaust and produce a more prolonged emission of white smoke for a very short period of driving time. Is your coolant level going in your reservoir, if so, this could be your problem. But i tend to believe you may have an injector leaking very badly, since your motor is running very crappy.
I would try doing injector cut out test using your insite. Rawze has a video on this.
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