What causes excessive smoke from diesel engine? Why would a car blow white smoke? Why is white smoke coming from my exhaust? A worn or blown head gasket, particularly near the exhaust port side, will cause liquid coolant to enter the cylinders and pass through the exhaust in the form of vaporous steam. A cracked engine block or cylinder head will produce the same effect.
If you the white smoke consistently comes out and the sweet odor smell is present, then it is definitely a problem with your coolant leaking. If white smoke continues to come out of your exhaust while the car is running, there are other issues at fault. One cause of white smoke from the exhaust might be the engine leaking coolant.
Diesel Engines Blowing White Smoke from Exhaust. WHITE SMOKE occurs when raw diesel comes through the exhaust completely intact and unburned. Some causes of this include. The white smoke is the result of normal condensation which builds up inside the exhaust system. White smoke can be a big problem or not, depending on the thickness.
Don’t restrict the exhaust , just attempt to coat your fingers with the smoke. All it takes is a little bit of coolant to leak out and get mixed in with the engine oil. Once that happens, the oil will become contaminated. The first sign of having contaminated oil is white exhaust smoke coming out of the tailpipe.
As this continues, the white smoke will begin to have a sweet odor smell that won’t go away. The latter issue can be put down to a problem with engine valves,. On cold winter days, it is common to see white smoke from exhaust pipe as soon as you start the car. As the engine warms up after a few minutes, this white smoke will not be reduced because condensation is dissipated. To be more specific, the white smoke you see is your diesel fuel, unburne or only partially burned.
The commonest reasons for this lie in the fuel system. They range from faulty fuel injectors to retarded fuel injectio n timing, or even low compression. There may be several reasons for a car smoking white smoke from the exhaust. In this oneHOWTO article, we are going to talk about how to stop white smoke from the exhaust , no matter what the underlying reason is. The most likely culprit is one or more worn fuel injectors.
When new, a fuel injector sprays diesel through a very fine nozzle, and because the computer knows how quickly fuel can pass through it,. Normally, it would happen at startup in cold weather with lower compression engines and retarded timing. This causes white smoke. You get an incomplete combustion during startup and it causes raw diesel fuel to come out of the stack. The truth of the matter is that there are a few things that can cause white smoke , but a blown head gasket is.

What Your Exhaust Smoke Is Trying To Tell You. It is never a good signal and can indicate several problems. But if you spot it early, know what to do and act on it, these problems can be fixed.
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