First thing all of us Mechanics, automotive Diagnosticians, and Gear heads want to know is:. What kind of Vehicle are we talking about. This study investigates the conditions and mechanisms of sulfur-related white smoke generation. Regeneration is the term used to describe cleaning of the DPF. During this process the ‘wet and sooty’ particulate matter is subjected to further combustion inside the DPF itself.
Surface temperatures inside the DPF can exceed 6Degrees Celsius, at which point the soot turns into a hot white ash. I drive miles each way to work, but the last two weeks white smoke has been bellowing out of the tail pipe at the exact place during my ride in too work. Do you get clouds of white toxic smelling smoke when your car regens ? explains various scenarios where you would benefit from a manual DPF regen button. CDTI and faced problem that during the DPF filter regeneration process smoke is coming from under the bonnet.
Smell is like burning diesel. After pretty much limping it home for a whole day that white smoke turned to a light grey smoke when I accelerated a little harder. For the most part I do feel a slight misfire, but it idles good still. Engine consuming oil, but running perfectly. There is a ton of white smoke coming out at idle.
Not sure what it could be sense the egr coolers have been deleted. Lots of times, a fuel filter that needs changed out is not noticeable except when under full power, and it can blow white smoke. If you are not noticing a lag in power under full throttle, then I would say a DPF burn off. That is going to happen from time to time.
My parents car has been smoking like a pig for the last few months, Diagnosis. The latter is preferable. Garage condemmed the DPF and replaced it.

This is a lot of times due to High Fuel Restriction. Most likely It is due to Fuel Restriction, as You have no faults. White smoke is incomplete combustion. It happens when the truck has been running a while down the highway, pull off to a stop, go to take off again. I get intermittent white and blue smoke occasionaly, I think when the aftertreatment injector kicks in.
It smokes for a little while, puffing out about every half secon then stops. I might see it again that same day or might not see it till the next day. Its not consistent at all. A properly maintained diesel engine using good quality fuel may emit some white smoke when cold. Smoke at any other time is not considered to be normal.
RE: DPF smells and white smoke. If you notice your vehicle doing any of these, do not be alarmed. Cooling fan operating. Last week we got fuel from a brand new place and the next day while unloading (hopper bottom) there was a lot of white smoke coming from the exhaust. It was a cold morning so I thought it was starting to gel up.
When I left it smoked real bad but ran great. Learn about this problem, why it occurs, and how to fix it. Basically, smoke from a diesel engine indicates that something is not right. It should be taken as an indication that there is a problem existing (or developing), that will potentially shorten the engine life, or result in unnecessary costs.
Diesel Smoke tells YOU a Story.
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