For a Fire and Rescue firefighter , no day is the same. Every year, QFES relies on 40volunteers to deliver front-line support before, during and after the emergency. As a member of the QFES team, you will be an integral part of the front-line emergency. Auxiliary Firefighters are casual, station-based firefighters who respond to emergency situations when the demand arises.

Visit PayScale to research fire fighter salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more. Becoming a QLD Firefighter has just gotten much harder. However, there is still hope. They operate in areas not covered by QFES urban services.
Australian Firefighters Calendar. Qld Firefighters Rugby League is with Brett Ford and others. If YOU are determined to become a firefighter , click below to learn more about our collection of proven training materials, online courses, certifications, and proprietary software. Officer-in-Charge (OIC) is the most senior auxiliary firefighter at a station, emergency. Lieutenant is the officer second in charge of a fire station and may take on the role of O IC.

Firefighter Aptitude Test ” is your avenue to beginning a flourishing career in the fire service you are applying to. Members of the RFAQ provide support and comradeship to each other, particularly in times of sickness or bereavement and the Association helps to ensure that retired firefighters do not lose contact with each other or with the QFRS.