Why would a car blow white smoke? If I continue to drive the car the smoke continue to come out. White smoke can be a big problem or not, depending on the thickness.
The white smoke is the result of normal condensation which builds up inside the exhaust system. BMW 328i Smoke from engine or exhaust Inspection costs between $and $on average. The parts and labor required for this service are. This may likely mean that there is water inside your engine, and the most likely culprit is from a blown head gasket. I’m from Los Angeles and our family recently purchased a used BMW 528i (40K miles).
Perhaps this is nothing, but I just wanted to make sure anyway. Today, at around 2AM (maybe degrees C), within minutes of starting the car, we drove into a McDonald’s Drive Thru. BMW Xsmoking out of exhaust - Car Talk.
The most noticeable symptom of internal coolant leakage is when the white smoke is billowing out of the exhaust pipe and leaves a sweet odor in the air. My VBMW was smoking randomly and burning oil. Now it is fully and professionally fixed for under $20.
No additives or tricks just replacing a simple part. While these were torn. I have never had any trouble with the car until this incident. Help me understand what the problem is? What could have caused that?
Check Engine Light, Runs Rough and White Smoke ? My old 550i starting do that. After my car idles and warms up, i get white smoke on the muffler, and if i step on the gas pedal, it gets worse with alot of white smoke. However, if it was coming form the exhaust, and it was a result of burning oil, the smoke would be very black.
When the engine is running the smoke appears, then fades, then shortly comes back. I also noticed today theres drops of oil from the exhaust. If smoke is being release then this is indicative of a problem.

HOWTO looks at all the possible reasons why white smoke is coming from your exhaust pipe. The black smoke may show there is a return fuel line which is obstructed. Fuel injectors and sensors might also be damaged. A final problem which can be diagnosed from black smoke is problem with the air filter. My guess is the valve stem seals are bad.
This is a very common problem with BMW vehicles the same era as yours. As the seals age and harden, they allow oil to seep past the valves and into the combustion chamber. Also for the terrible sound and rough idle, they are probably unrelated to the white smoke. Did you noticed that after your bmw engine idling for a short period of time at first few revs a cloud of blue grey smoke is. They would then take it to him and find it was only a sticking PCV valve for $300.

I am glad it is something simple, but $3for a PCV RR sounds high? More info on this particular car. Causes of White Smoke from Exhaust. Several factors may cause your car exhaust to emit white smoke.
It could be a minor issue or a big problem depending on the density of the smoke. If the smoke is thin like air vapor, then, you have got no problem. If white smoke comes out of the tailpipe even after the car is warme there is a good chance there is a problem. It has a burnt oil smell. It seems to happen when the car heats up and when stopped smoke comes out.
BMW forum for owners of BMW vehicles. The club is not part of BMW nor affiliated with or endorsed by BMW in any way. When that happens I push the gas pedal that extract all the smoke then it stops smoking.
I check the water and oils they are enough. Can anyone tell me what is the problem ?
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