White smoke is caused by either unburned fuel or coolant. If the exhaust smells almost like bug spray, it is unburned fuel. I have white smoke and rough idle. Every now and then it seams to stall for just a second at take off. L Cummins engine, and I am having some problems.

Sometimes when it is col the truck sputters and blows white smoke , and it takes a few minutes to clear out. Leaking injector s can cause white to blueish smoke. Unsubscribe from Just4ford1? They do not completely stop spraying fuel when they are OFF. Since this is a boat and marine diesel forum, an white smoke seems to come with the territory, I’ll first start by giving you about twenty years of personal experience with white smoke.
I do not believe your white smoke is oil but fuel from your VP4 I heard this same story (and had it happen to me) too many times. You may be loosing oil in the form of a leak but the white smoke your talking about sounds more like fuel which leads me to believe your VPis saying bye bye. Our Team Of Trained Experts Are Ready To Answer All Of Your Questions - Shop Today!
Dies if given to much fuel on idle or driving, then hard to start and blows white smoke and rough idle. Only does this with a cold engine. Has a new overflow valve. They smoked on start-up and for minutes after until broker shut them off.
He says its normal for the Cummins mechanical diesels to emit white smoke until well warmed up. Is this true with your experience? A brand new diesel engine running at full load will experience a little bit of blow-by upon startup. Blow-by is a condition where diesel fuel, air and vapor are pushed past the rings into the crankcase of the engine. The rings on a Cummins will freeze to the.

It has under 70k miles. My wife and I were driving home from our annual Christmas break trip to Arizona. We were pulling a car trailer that had our Suzuki Sidekick 4Xon it that we had used to explore around the desert with on our trip. Truck was let go back to the credit union from the man who bought it originally from the dealer.
He said he didnt want the truck because they wouldnt fix the problem with it. Excessive smoke from exhaust! Basically, smoke from a diesel engine indicates that something is not right. It should be taken as an indication that there is a problem existing (or developing), that will potentially shorten the engine life, or result in unnecessary costs. Diesel Smoke tells YOU a Story.
TDC and plunger lift to determine timing. Dodge cummins diesel blowing white smoke on start up. In the last few days i noticed it had a strong smell of raw diesel and it is blowing white smoke. Tonight when i started it it was blowing white smoke for a good while and a very strong smell of raw diesel. Lasts about mins pretty rough runninh until warmed up then seems to run great.
White Smoke Indicates a Faulty Fuel SysteTime for a Fuel Injector Service. The key of longevity for any engine is regular maintenance. Any time you see a change in the behavior, you need to address it.

Had to replace my injectors due to multiple bad injectors (shop did return flow test). Ordered injectors from diesel care and when I installed them the truck idled fine for about minutes then i pulled out of drive and gave it a little bit of gas and heard a ting sound and truck started dumping white smoke with rough idle.
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