Mount the smoke detector on a wall at least inches away from the ceiling but not more than inches away, keeping the detector away from the dead zone but high enough to detect the smoke since smoke rises. Ceiling-mounted smoke detectors should be mounted at least inches away from where the ceiling meets the wall. If it needs to be mounted elsewhere on the ceiling, it must be at least inches from a wall. Avoid corners where the walls meet the ceiling and where pockets of dead air sometimes form, preventing rising smoke from reaching the detector.
Wall-mounted detectors must be installed at least inches from the ceiling to avoid this dead air zone. Smoke alarms should be installed at least feet (meters) from a cooking appliance to minimize false alarms when cooking. Mount smoke alarms high on walls or ceilings (remember, smoke rises).
Wall - mounted alarms should be installed not more than inches away from the ceiling (to the top of the alarm ). Ceiling mounting it is typically preferred as it allows the smoke alarm to be placed more centrally in the room. If a wall mounting is use it is best to use an inside wall to avoid thermal air currents that can occur along hot or cold walls. My old daisy-chained smoke detector system caused one too many am false alarms as the batteries failed. I ordered a Gentex which you can just place on a high shelf (or wall mount ) and plug in.
Yesterday I had left an unlit candle on a ceramic dish on top of my gas heater (one of those that looks like a wood stove and puts out a lot of heat). You may now install a smoke alarm or smoke detector on the side wall inches down for the ceiling-wall interface. Detectors should be mounted in positions that are reasonably accessible for maintenance. NOTE This is particularly important in the case of smoke alarms that incorporate a battery or that have a routine testing or alarm silence facility. What is the best home smoke detector?
How many smoke detectors are required by law? How do you install a smoke detector? Can I sell home without smoke detector?
Ceiling- mounted smoke detectors should be mounted at least inches away from where the ceiling meets the wall. You should have a carbon monoxide detector on each floor. Combined smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are also available. If you choose one of those, mount it on the wall within twelve inches of the ceiling. Smoke detectors are perfectly safe when mounted on a wall or ceiling, but this radioactive material is hazardous when a smoke detector is crushed or incinerated.
As a result, smoke detectors must be properly disposed of so that the radioactive material does not leach into groundwater. Smoke fills up a room from the ceiling down, so having the detectors high should alert you early on. Smoke alarms can be installed on the wall provided they area fitted between 300mm and 500mm below the ceiling. The diagram below gives a summary of the recommended smoke alarm. The directions say that it can be either ceiling or wall mounted.
Some say ceiling mounted is best, because CO is lighter than air. Mount detectors on the wall at least a couple feet below your ceiling or even lower. Carbon monoxide blends with your home’s air and does not rise. Follow your manufacturer’s manual to properly install your detector at the right height. Remember to keep kids and pets in mind during installation.
Test the detector monthly. If the designer specifies the use of wall - mounted detectors, then the code requires two detectors, one on each side of the doorway. If the depth of the wall section above the door is greater than inches on one side only, then the code requires only one ceiling- mounted smoke detector on the higher side of the doorway. If this is the case (you can simply touch the wall or ceiling during very hot or cold days), mount a smoke detector on an interior wall of the house. The wall might be coming down from the ceiling (at least 24″) or up from the floor.
Question: If spot type smoke detectors are allowed to be ceiling or wall mounted in a corridor and on smooth ceilings spacing of feet shall be permitted as a guide. Do you use the same guide if you wall mount the smokes in the corridors? Down loaded the specs on the smoke detector it refers NFPA and local codes. Smoke Detector Manual (SSSD) Introduction The SimpliSafe Smoke Detector (SSSD1) is a photoelectric smoke detector , designed to sense smoke that comes into the detector chamber. It does not sense gas, heat, or flame.
This smoke detector is designed to give early warning of developing fires with an alarm sound from its built-in siren. Login or Join to download. Component is 2d lines and text. With types for Smoke , for Combo Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector. The detector is next to the lolly, not directly over it.

Will its effectiveness be reduced or compromised?
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