If I continue to drive the car the smoke continue to come out. When I start the vehicle, white smoke comes out of the. Especially when you turn the car for the first time (The engine is still cold).
White smoke from exhaust that looks like thin wisp is the topic for today. And not as scary as it looks, white smoke should not be a matter of concern. The accumulated condensation is simply finding a way out of the pipe. Ci Billowing white smoke out the exhaust pipes upon startup.
Just out of curiousity, could power steering fluid into the power steering reservoir (even though it calls for ATF) cause this issue? Can you please advise what may be the problem as this gave no warning. I also noticed today theres drops of oil from the exhaust. However, if it was coming form the exhaust , and it was a result of burning oil, the smoke would be very black. When the engine is running the smoke appears, then fades, then shortly comes back.
The temperature gauge didnt go up, nor was the engine smoky when I opened th bonnet. I drove it very slowly to work and checked the oil to see if there was a mix of that and water - the oil seems fine. The smoke was coming out of the exhaust smelt like chemicals and maybe fuel.
I waited for the car to cool and. Fill Your Cart With Color today! This is nothing but steam caused due to condensation.
As the engine warms up after a few minutes, this white smoke will not be reduced because condensation is dissipated. On cold winter days, it is common to see white smoke from exhaust pipe as soon as you start the car. I have been noticing white smoke from the exhaust. This morning, I noticed a lot of whitish smoke coming from the exhaust when I started up.
I’m from Los Angeles and our family recently purchased a used BMW 528i (40K miles). Today, at around 2AM (maybe degrees C), within minutes of starting the car, we drove into a McDonald’s Drive Thru. Perhaps this is nothing, but I just wanted to make sure anyway. Some white exhaust smoke is normal, especially when you first start the car.

Condensation can turn to vapor, providing what looks like white exhaust. But excessive white smoke likely means coolant is leaking into the engine combustion chambers. BMW forum for owners of BMW vehicles.
BMW 320i E9 car has 120k mileage, blueish smoke from exhaust when pulling off, excessive oil consumption, had the oil seperator replaced buy dealer after diagnosis,one week later the car has started to consume oil and smokin again. The club is not part of BMW nor affiliated with or endorsed by BMW in any way. When that happens I push the gas pedal that extract all the smoke then it stops smoking. It happens only for a minute.
I check the water and oils they are enough. Can anyone tell me what is the problem ?
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