These maps provide information such as the level of air quality in specific areas, the borders of local air permitting agencies, and the location of specially protected federal lands. Make a map of daily concentrations over several days. OZONE AND PARTICLE POLLUTION. The maps show the higher of the estimated ozone AQI and PM2. Users can downloa output, view or visualize the data.
Please select a city for detailed current conditions and forecasts. Arlington, VA or Difficult Run). Welcome to EnviroMapper for Envirofacts, a single point of access to select U. EPA environmental data. AQI: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (1- 150) Although general public is not likely to be affected at this AQI range, people with lung disease, older adults and children are at a greater risk from exposure to ozone, whereas persons with heart and lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from the presence of particles in the air. AirNow for recent days that are not available from AQS.
AQS data, as it becomes available, replaces any AirNow data. A value in the unhealthy range, above the national air quality standard for any pollutant, is of concern first for sensitive groups, then for everyone as the AQI value increases. Native American Tribal Lands and Reservations - Nv Maps.

Pacific Southwest, Region 9. Most of the stations on the map are monitoring both PM 2. PM data, but there are few exceptions where only PM is. For forecasting purposes, cities in the Bay Area have been divided into five reporting zones. Air Quality Forecast Map.
This forecast uses the U. The AQI focuses on health effects you may experience within a few hours or days after breathing polluted air. Public comments and suggestions are encouraged. Under typical conditions, PM 2. When there is too much fine particle pollution in the air , your health could be at risk.
The WAQA bases its advice on lower levels of fine particles than the Environmental Protection Agency. For example, wind direction and smoke from wood fires. A reading of means the air quality is very poor and a reading of one to three inclusive means that the air quality is good. Hyperlinks below access maps of air quality for each state.
If you would like aggregated or visual data from AQS, or large files of pre-extracted data, AirData is the place to start. Stations in the network report on particle concentrations (mainly from smoke and dust). For more detailed information on how to interpret the data, see Interpreting BLANkET data. Current air pollution levels for fine particles and ozone, along with a five-day forecast. A color-coded map shows the air quality across the United States following the burning of multiple wildfires in California.
However, that does not necessarily mean the data have changed. These data are gathered at near real time and these data are not quality assured. AK DEC AQ Division AK Burn Wise Program AK.
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