When the warm or hot exhaust gases meet cold outside air, condensation and steam is a result. After a short amount of driving, the white smoke should lessen. When I start my car for the first time every day, I have white smoke come out my exhaust usually for about a minute or two but it runs fine after that. White smoke from exhaust upon cold start - Car. Dean, 5woil is fine, Some white smoke at start up from cold engine is fairly normal and will dissipate (stop) for the most part after engine and exhaust has warmed up to operating temperature.
If this just started then you have either a bad pcv valve(dont know if camrys have this) or bad engine valve seals. The white smoke means oil is leaking into the cylinders after the car is parked for a while. Like Share Re: My Car Exaust Smokes White Only On Cold Start Up. If white smoke comes out when the ignition is started there are a few reasons. The first one is an internal problem which we will discuss further below.
But if you get white smoke from exhaust at startup , it might be from these reasons: A cracked or warped cylinder head. But if it never happened before and now suddenly you see it then maybe. Check coolant level for. On cold winter days, it is common to see white smoke from exhaust pipe as soon as you start the car.

As the engine warms up after a few minutes, this white smoke will not be reduced because condensation is dissipated. This is nothing but steam caused due to condensation. The reason why there is white smoke on start up will depend on the condition of the engine when the white smoke is notice. If you notice the white smoke from exhaust only when the engine is very col then this condition is normal this happens because the condensation is steaming off when you start the engine.
Diesel engines need high compression and heat for fuel combustion. It can be especially difficult to start a diesel engine during cold weather. Diesels with an engine temperature below about F. Also if the engine cools after parking for hours it happens. Is my engine having issues any help to stop the smoke is highly welcomed.
It blows white smoke out the tailpipe only at startup. After that it is fine until the next day it does it again. It uses no water at all. I was told it could be fuel. Does it have anything on the throttle body to help it start when cold.
A warped or cracked cylinder head may also cause white smoke because it paves way for coolant to leak or get sucked into the combustion chambers. In the early stages of head gasket failure, one may notice white smoke when they start their car in the morning but the smoke clears after a few minutes. Has any one had any problems with white smoke on start up and once let sit for 6-hours. Any one got any clue to. RE: white smoke on startup ? But it is always a good idea to keep an eye on your oil and coolant levels on any car, smoke or no smoke.
Even in a hot and humid climate, there will be some condensation in the exhaust system overnight. Diesel vehicle exhaust smoking white smoke on cold start - fixed. Ford Scorpio MkGhia 2.
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