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When there is white smoke coming from the exhaust, it can mean a few things. Hi there really need some help. Diesel vehicle exhaust smoking white smoke on cold start - fixed - Duration:.
Because its a diesel and you have white smoke and a misfire you need specialist help to identify which injector is playing up. Transit with a genuine 88k on the clock. Toyota lumps are very reliable so get some help, a good diesel mechanic would have a clip on tester that would check each cylinder. With Just Over 250Miles, Developed A Knocking And Smoking Problem?

Turbo Diesel Knocking Sound And Smoking ? The other day I started it up drove away and it was blowing huge plumes of white smoke out of the exhaust. Why does ford transit slows down and blow white smoke ? Most likely it is the head gasket bad. If the exhaust has a sweet smell to it, that is anti freeze getting into the cylinder.
I have taken it to the ford dealership and had it checked out. White smoke from the exhaust is a sign of coolant in the. They advised against using an injector cleaner because it can damage the seals. White steam indicates coolant leak this steam dissipates very quickly and exhaust gas should smell a little sweet. When i drive the van there is a little some comming out.
I notice the other day after looking in the rearview mirror that there was a plume of white smoke coming from my exhaust. WHY DIESELS SMOKE : Diesel car engines get smoky because of a few common reasons. Identifying the smoky colours, often black or white smoke , can help you diagnose the cause of the problem.
That in turn can help you cure and stop a smoking diesel engine. Do you see white smoke from a diesel engine when accelerating or startup? Eventually, when it does start, are you used to a large cloud of white smoke plowing out the back? If you are, then you need to find a quick solution to get it sorted.
At Sprint Motors, we are specialists in dealing with this problem and can start making a genuine difference right away. We’ll be there to offer you a quick and easy solution. After some time black smoke reduced but there was still a bit coming out on high revs. Van drives very nicely but not sure about smoke.
Air filter was spotless probably changed recently. Should I expect some smoke from similar vans ? Or is there something wrong with it like injectors and similar.
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