A faint whiff and occasional wisp of oil smoke with the AC blower on low will generally indicate a minor oil leak in the engine compartment. A visible stream of constant smoke tells you that the source is very near the blower or the air intake , or is inside the duct itself. Air Conditioners Fog Or Smoke Coming Out Air Vents Fog or smoke coming out the air vents is caused by cold dry air coming in contact with warmer, more moist air near the air conditioner.
If the air temperature near the unit is below the dew point, this causes water vapor to form in the air and condense into water droplets, thus causing the fog or smoke. This is the second time this has happened. I just hope its not a freon leak or something.
U can also smell exhaust smoke in traffic. You air vent is not closing properly and too much of outside air is mixing with your cold air , or your aircon coil is really dirty and lots of water condensation in you aircon system. One is the evaporator core has sprung a large leak, and the smell is from the refrigerant oil, and the fog is the refrigerant. At that point, the evaporator core needs to be replaced. When one of the resistors goes, white smoke is fed dirrectly up to the vents.

White smoke coming out of vents. Yesterday I was driving my Accord down the highway with the air conditioning turned on. It started raining heavily for a little over minutes, and then the rain stopped. Suddenly, what appeared to be whitish smoke started coming out of the center vents. If there’s a small pinhole — which is a small leak typically caused by corrosion — in the heater core, drivers may have steam coming from the vents, but it will likely smell of coolant.
Coolant may also drip on the passenger side floor. Why does white smoke comes out the air condition vent of a Ford Explorer The most common reason is leaking coolant, either in the engine compartment or in the heater box. I noticed white smoke or vapor coming from the AC vents when AC is on. When I change setting to recirculating air from inside of car as opposed to outside the smoke or vapor stops. Dealer service adviser told me it was because it must have been humid outside.
Yesterday when I was travelling within Lahore driving Corrola Xli model ,I observed gusts of white smoke coming from vents in dashboard esp central two vents. Heater was off ,fan speed was also at zero and in recirculation mode. I feared some problem and checked water temp gauge which was normal. Further I would mention that I was on rushy road and most of time I was in first gear.
AC blows what looks like white smoke Recently, when turning on the AC , it appears that white smoke is blowing out of the vents. It does not smell like smoke or fill the interior up with this cloudy substance. Was there a sweet coolant smell coming out of the vents ? Its possible the low coolant and the smoke are related to a blown heater core. The heater core is basically a radiator, where the hot engine coolant runs through to heat the interior of the car. Notice an odor as well.

It almost smells like a burning rubber, burning smell. There is white smoke coming from my ac vents in my car. The white smoke is water vapor. Probably because AC system is pumping heat not cold now. You usually always replace the Drier when any AC system will be opened to the air(even home units), i. The Drier removes moisture from inside the system.
Oil leaking problems cause burning smell from car It’s a common phenomenon while driving uphill when you have to rev the engine more. Diminished after a bit but still seems to be there. Slight burning smell and it leaves a light residue, like cigarette ash.

There are a few possible causes for this though. The most common would be the blower motor resistor, blower motor, heater core failure, wiring fault, or a failed AC duct actuator. The burning smell and smoke may be be caused by a wiring fire or melting components.
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