On a 4-Stroke (usually Honda) the smoke typically blows out of the crankcase vent rather than the exhaust pipe. Routine maintenance helps prevent many smoke related issues but old seals or gaskets and certainly a big crash can cause fluid leaks. It won’t tell you everything, but it will tell you where you need to look and how concerned you should be.

ATV smoke usually comes in one of four colors: white , gray, blue or black. White smoke is usually the best kind of smoke you can hope for. A little white smoke when you start your ATV can be perfectly normal. Why Does Your ATV Smoke ? Your ATV can smoke for one of reasons: 1) black smoke is generally benign and is due to an overly rich fuel mixture 2) blue smoke is a bigger concern and is due to cross contamination in the air fuel mixture within the cylinders 3) white smoke is typically water droplets being burned off as steam, but can be a very. Its also an air cooled engine, so that means its burning oil I believe.
According to Four Wheeler , the carburetor can be the source of problems such as emission of black smoke. Replace the valve seals if the smoke gets worse when the engine is hot and on start-up, the cylinder head and the cam belt. This should eliminate blue smoke and any unwanted noises related to the smoking issue, such as knocking. Like a pcv valve open, or a vent hose to carb getting splash from over filled oil, or maybe carb is letting gas into crankcase and excess is being spun on. I have it with my high comp.
While traversing deep water, does blowing white smoke out the exhaust signify water has entered the machine in a bad way? Or is it also a sign of cold water and a hot machine? This will cause white smoke , along with the idle issue.
Turns over but back fires at. If it is below degrees Fahrenheit, then white smoke is perfectly normal until the engine warms up. If it continues after the engine is warm, then there is a source of excess water somewhere in the engine. So i recently bought a explorer 4and it has been running great.
But if i take the rad cap off so there is no pressure in the system it. Blue smoke usually means oil. Black smoke usually means excessive fuel. Since this is a boat and marine diesel forum, an white smoke seems to come with the territory, I’ll first start by giving you about twenty years of personal experience with white smoke. Even gas can show white or grey out the tailpipe sometimes, that just means you are accelerating too hard.
Polaris sportsman is blowing white smoke from the exhaust and want stay running once I take the choke off what would cause this? Check your transmission fluid. No problems ever - never submerged.

All of a sudden one day very hard to start then once started began to blow white smoke out and shut down. Motorcycle and ATV Maintenance. What is the cause of blue smoke from exhaust the blowing blue smoke after that? Oil in the Air box on the brutes blows white smoke.
I dont know why its white but it Every one I ride with has blow this white smoke all due to oil. This happens from being to full of oil, running long WOT runs and climbing steep long hills. There is a mod you can do.
Its called the catch can mod.
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