SINGAPORE: A leaking air-conditioning compressor led to white smoke billowing through a train that. Chief Communications Officer Margaret Teo’s probe revealed that the smoke was caused by a leaking. A puff of white smoke came out near the compressor. It blew hot air during the smoke but i went home and when i left i tried it and have cold air. I just dont want all of the freon i put in to leak out.
My 740Li has begun to have a strange smoke coming from it. I have found that the white smoke , with a unique smell to it, was coming from the area where the AC compressor is located. It stopped spitting white smoke when I turned off the AC.
I looked under the car and the compressor appears to be fine. No noise or shaft play. Why does your car AC hiss and blow white smoke from. Is that a sign that the air-con is not cold enough or that the air-con air is much colder than the surrounding air hence massive condensation?

But noticed this smoke is there almost all the time leh. Hello all, Over the last two weeks, I’ve noticed a problem with my Maxima’s air conditioner. On two occasions–the only two that I have used it–running the air conditioner has caused bluish smoke to come out of the engine. If I turn it off, the smoke slows and stops. The air conditioner works regardless, and the engine does not overheat when this happens.
There does not appear to be a. Air Conditioners Fog Or Smoke Coming Out Air Vents Fog or smoke coming out the air vents is caused by cold dry air coming in contact with warmer, more moist air near the air conditioner. If the air temperature near the unit is below the dew point, this causes water vapor to form in the air and condense into water droplets, thus causing the fog. You could get a new compressor and charge the system to have a functioning AC unit, or, depending on the vehicle, have the belt bypass the compressor and go without it even being a part of the system. It began to fill and you could tell it took some Freon nicely, maybe an ounce or then, the compressor behaved like it was working real har the engine began working har the belt squealed for a minute, then stoppe the compressor began to smoke.
The smoke was coming from between the compressor housing and the pulley. According to Channel NewsAsia (CNA), the incident happened at around 12. The white smoke in the cabin was allegedly caused by a leaking air-con compressor , which emitted Freon gas. I decided to drive back home with no AC and had no problems at all also no smoke when i let it sit at idle in my drive way.
Raffles Place MRT station. With my old compressor , I had a white smoke come up while driving and ac stopped working. This is the second time this has happened.
Just recently there has been white smoke coming out of the air conditioner when the air conditioner is on only. You probably checked your air conditioner for burnt or short circuit wires. But, you didn’t see anything wrong. Where exactly could this white smoke come from? Here are two (2) possible reasons for white smoke in your.
Happened for maybe sec different times and then it stopped. Not sure if there is a leak. Do you ever notice smoke coming out of your AC , no need to panic. Its cold here in Florida and our heat pumps are working overtime.
Deal directly with the owner and save! In a situation where the car shakes when AC is on, inaccuracy in this process could be the reason behind it. Smoking of a car engine may damage the car itself. The smoking is caused due to heat that is produced when the AC of your car is on. If your car is sitting idle, then also there is a chance that the car engine can exude smoke sometimes.
The compressor recently started making a smoke smell and actually smoking. My question is, when will this stop? Is there anything I can do about it besides buy a brand new ac unit? I do not mind going without air conditioning.
Can this cause other damage to the car, or is it only effecting the air conditioner unit? Last year our AC quit working, there was hissing, a puff of smoke , and then the air quit blowing cold.
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