The white smoke is the engine burning off all the excess oil. The fix - drain the excessive oil, and idle the engine until the smoke clears. This may take minutes or so. The engine will burn off the residue and the smoke should stop.
A lawnmower that emits white smoke probably has an engine that is burning oil. Lawnmower engines also burn oil when they are filled with an incorrect grade of oil. Blue or white smoke coming from your engine usually indicates burning oil, which can be caused by: Overfilling the crankcase with oil. Operating engine at greater than a degree angle. Inoperative crankcase breather.
I think we filled up her lawn mower with too much oil. If you’ve recently changed the oil in your mower and the engine is emitting white or blue smoke , it’s possible that some of the oil. Also, if you have done some matinence , then you might have mixed up the filtration system.

THIS MOWER BURNS A LOT OF OIL. I have recently pulled it apart and found out the valve guides are shot as is one valve. The rings would definitely need replacing. Honda HRR2Smokes and More - Duration: 15:09.
Bruce Pender 11views. I started the mower again, and there was no white smoke. BS engines are not very precision engines and oil will leak into the cylinders from any number of places.
White smoke is oil buring off. Next time get a Honda engine. Huge puffs of white oil filled smoke from the exhaust, but not quite starting. Drained out the oil and replaced it and ride on mower started first time with oodles of white smoke burning off for a while.
While black smoke is caused by the burning of more fuel than air, blue or white smoke is generally caused by the burning of excess oil. Honda lawn mowers offer exceptional performance, reliability, and features. Choose from top rated residential mowers and heavy duty commercial walk behind mowers.
Why is my lawn mower blowing black smoke ? John Cunningham is an Automotive Technician and writer on Lawnmowerfixed. The gas in a mowers crankcase is a liquid and evaporates out its muffler like antifreeze does in a car. Like light bulb mentioned.
JD LT1belched out white smoke and chocked herself out. Let stand 10min, checked oil (looked ok) started her back up and nersed her back to barn with white smoke filling the yard. Had her for years, mows 1. Use our part lists, interactive diagrams, accessories and expert repair advice to make your repairs easy. It is the best lawn mower I ever used.

Two weeks ago, the lawn mower puffed out a little bit of smoke and I assumed that it was because I probably overfilled the tank. Probably from the OHV seals. The mower is probably consuming far more gasoline than it should during operations.
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