After doing this I now have white smoke coming from the exhaust. This was not happening with the DPF installed. I returned it to stock and it is still blowing smoke. Not sure if its something I did or if there is something I need to. There is a ton of white smoke coming out at idle.

Not sure what it could be sense the egr coolers have been deleted. In most cases, the automated software won’t delete these parts of the file, but then leaving part of the DPF file in place will also bring problems such as the vehicle falling back into limp mode, the DPF light coming back on, excessive smoke and as a result of this, an MOT Failure. In a Diesel engine with a Diesel particulate filter ( DPF ) system, high-sulfur fuel causes white smoke containing odorous and harmful pollutants during DPF regeneration. I wouldn’t necessarily say the white smoke would be from the DPF.
If you have ever been behind a car that is going through the regeneration cycle of the DPF , you will see the amount of black smoke that will come out from it. Diesel cars will usually produce white smoke from the following three symptoms. Performed a burn and with 20km DPF is already full. Toyota confirmed that the new firmware uses the differential sensors and feeds this back to determine how full the DPF really is. It will override the algorithm if the value is greater than the calculation.

Should know by mid next week if the DPF is defective or blocked. After pretty much limping it home for a whole day that white smoke turned to a light grey smoke when I accelerated a little harder. For the most part I do feel a slight misfire, but it idles good still. Regeneration is the term used to describe cleaning of the DPF.
During this process the ‘wet and sooty’ particulate matter is subjected to further combustion inside the DPF itself. Surface temperatures inside the DPF can exceed 6Degrees Celsius, at which point the soot turns into a hot white ash. Some of this ash is blown out of the exhaust whilst some is retained inside the core of the DPF. Problem is I get black smoke when starting out and when boost is low.
Did the garage remap the ecu to delete the dpf programming? Most of the time you have a Haze during a region is because you have a cracked DPF and it is allowing the particles to escape the exhaust the white smoke you see is also unburnt diesel fuel that escapes through the cracks. White smoke is a sign of water vapor or fuel that has been atomized but not burned.
His truck is trying to complete a regen process in which the minute run time to or from work will not be enough to let it burn completely out. Basically it is running like a cummins gen with the added advantage of VGT. If their was air in the fuel it would mis. Chucking out white and black smoke is pure unburnt fuel.
Another possible issue is a worn-out injector, an injector with a cracked tip,. RE: DPF smells and white smoke. Turning off the egr will not stop the coolers from leaking. Only physically removing them would stop them from leaking. That really will tell you what you need to do.
If the egr coolers are leaking you can get a kit to remove them and that will fix that. Lately, when I come to a stop or even slow down really slow, it starts dumping white smoke out by the glory gobbs, then when I take off again I get a pretty big puff of black smoke and then it clears up. What is a Diesel Particulate Filter ( DPF ) A DPF is a device designed and integrated into the Diesel Engine exhaust system to trap and remove Diesel Particulate Matter from the exhaust gasses of the diesel engine.

Other than this,the car runs like a Swiss watch. Would an engine oil that was not low ash cause the smoke. This is the early DPF that still has the additive designed to help the DPF burn. So note, early Vwith DPF.
If you notice your vehicle doing any of these, do not be alarmed. Around 200RPM) Engine note change. Cooling fan operating.
What would I be paying to delete the dpf (I assume I install a pipe where the filter was) Turn off the DEF, and turn off the Egr valve? DOT figure it out and shut me down?
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