Smoke coming from the exhaust after a vehicle has warmed up is attributed to oil burning during the combustion process. A switch to a more stable, synthetic oil would be the way to stop a blue-tinged smoke from emerging from the exhaust. However, if the exhaust is smoking with synthetic oil already in the engine, the. Is this normal with this type of change from.
If the oil is not the correct type or viscosity, it could also bypass the rings on the piston or valve seals and end up in the combustion chamber. Another cause of the smoke could be that the oil originally in the engine was a mineral oil but was replaced with a synthetic oil , which has a greater cleaning effect on varnish and soot deposits. I had not heard this one before. Not white like conventional oil. Alot of used car lots puts synthetic oil in cars that smoke to hide it so they can sell it.
Anyway i got a synthetic change, and while i was leaving i noticed white smoke coming out of the tail pipe, it quickly subsided so i didnt go back to the shop. Anyway throughout the week it had been coming out when i start it up, then stopping short after,now today a week later it is really bad pouring out of the exhaust and. Now after I have changed over to the full synthetic 10wthe liffter tick is gone, but I have some smoke from the exhaust.
The smoke is a light grey to white color and it does not smoke all the time just some of the time. I notice the smoke mostly on start up, sitting at stop lights, or after a. I recently switched over to Amsoil Z-Rod 10wwhich is marketed as being a high zinc formula. I now have white smoke coming from my exhaust for the first 5-minutes after startup. Q is very well know to blow white smoke , esp. This is often quite confusing to people because they tend to think that all engine oils are the same.
But there are benefits to using one type of engine oil versus another in your vehicle’s engine. Long story short I bought this car back in July and I never noticed any white smoke at all during stops or anything. Note: this article is intended for those who have smoke engine. Can mixing synthetic oil and regular oil cause white smoke to come from the.
Light or thin white exhaust smoke is typically water vapor. You’ll notice it the first time you start your car, especially if it’s a cold day. This happens because condensation naturally collects in the exhaust system. What kind of oil are you using?
I know that you mentioned tcw- but what brand. Oil sold under this designation has various grades, so there is such thing as low quality tcw-oil. I would always recommend going to a full synthetic if you are not already. It reduces smoke and wear on your engine. All symptoms that can cause the engine to start burning oil and smoke.

On some cars, especially those that use synthetic engine oil , the tailpipe smoke might not be as evident. A burning oil smell is still quite obvious. Oil consumption is a normal part of engine operation.
In fact, many manufacturers recommend using this oil to keep the warranty coverage valid. How Long Does Synthetic Oil Last? Synthetic oil is the most expensive of all types of lubricants used for running the engine. A vehicles exhaust color means alot.
White exhaust smoke indicates coolant is burning in the combustion chamber, blue exhaust smoke indicates oil , and black exhaust smoke indicates a rich condition.
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